Sweet Potatoes vs. Potatoes: Which Are Healthier?

Known as America’s favorite vegetable, potatoes are beloved for their versatility, their conformity with other foods, and their ability to be transformed into two of America’s favorite junk foods. And although sweet potatoes aren’t as popular, they’re perceived to be a healthier alternative to white potatoes because of their lower calorie and carb count. But are sweet potatoes genuinely healthier than white potatoes? Or is it the other way around? Let’s take a detailed look at the health benefits of sweet potatoes vs. potatoes.

Sweet Potatoes vs. Potatoes: The Nutritional Facts

According to the USDA, one medium baked sweet potato with skin contains 103 calories, 2.29 grams of protein, 0.27 grams of fat, 23.6 grams of carbohydrates, 3.8 grams of fiber and 7.39 grams of sugar. Merely one providing will give you more than 400 percent of your daily vitamin A requirement; it’s also high in vitamins C and B, potassium, and choline.

A medium baked white potato with skin, on the other hand, contains 115 calories, 2.49 grams of protein, 0.06 grams of fat, 26.71 grams of carbohydrates, 4.6 grams of fiber, and 0.81 grams of carbohydrate. It’s likewise rich in vitamins C and B, as well as potassium.

While white potatoes are lower in fat and sugar, sweet potatoes have fewer carbs and calories. And while sweet potatoes contain more vitamin A and vitamin C, white potatoes contain more protein and fiber. So, which one’s the win?

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Sweet Potatoes vs. Potatoes: Their Origins and History

First, let’s look the roots and history of these two vegetables. The Incas in Peru, between 8,000 BC and 5,000 BC, were the first to cultivate potatoes. According to PotatoGoodness.com, the Spanish conquistadors brought the tuber plants to Europe in 1536, and they were introduced to Ireland in 1589.

Sweet potatoes are a great choice for diabetics or for those at risk of developing diabetes because of their low-to-medium glycemic indicator.( c) Kuhar | Dreamstime.com

The Europeans then introduced the potato to The americas, where they spread gradually throughout the northern settlements. Because potatoes resembled plants from the nightshade household, people were slow to warm up to this healthful vegetable, so it wasn’t until the 1800 s that they became a popular food.

By now, there are more than 200 ranges of potatoes available throughout the United Commonwealth, and each is placed in one of seven categories: russet, red, white-hot, yellow, blue-blooded/ purple, thumbing, and petite. Another 4,000 edible potato varieties “il find” mainly in South America.

When it comes to the origins of sweet potatoes, it’s important to note that technically, they aren’t actually potatoes. Sweet potatoes are from the morning exaltation flower family, while the white potato is from the Solanum( nightshade) tuberosum family.( Yams are often associated with these two veggies; check sidebar for detailed information .)


Since sweet potatoes are unrelated to white potatoes, the two should not be used as substitutes when cooking, The Old Farmer’s Almanac tells us. See Sweet Potato Facts and Benefits.

Like white potatoes, sweet potatoes originated in Central and South America, but according to NPR.org, prehistoric remnants were found in Polynesia between 1000 AD and 1100 AD. How they got there is still a bit of a whodunit. But Christopher Columbus took a liking to sweet potatoes during his voyages to the New World in 1492 and took some dwelling to grow in Europe, where they gained popularity and spread throughout the continent.

In all, the following is 6,500 sweet potato smorgasbords, with skin colors differing from white to red and flesh colours from orange to purple. The orange-fleshed varieties are most popular in the U.S. and include Nemagold, Centennial, and Southern Delite.


Ever thought about trying produce your own potatoes? Here’s a helpful article with all the instruction you’ll need, courtesy of Countryside Network: How to Grow Potatoes. Quick tip: Potatoes is dependant on” long days and warm temperates to make a good harvest .”

sweet potatoes vs potatoes — grow your own

( Photo:( c) Dleonis | Dreamstime.com)

Sweet Potatoes vs. Potatoes: The Good, the Bad, and the Tasty

You’ve probably heard that eating white potatoes may cause you to gain weight or negatively affect your blood sugar degrees, but according to medical experts, it’s how you eat them that are important the most.

Although white potatoes can be cooked in different ways, the American diet is strongly defined by its enjoy for fried potatoes, which attains them an unpopular option for people who are looking to eat a healthier diet.

Some studies is demonstrating that those who eat more white potatoes , no matter how they’re cooked, have a higher risk of kind 2 diabetes. Those who feed French fries increase their type 2 diabetes risk by an additional 19 percent.

If you eat them cooked or broiled, however, and if you evade fattening toppings such as cheese, sour ointment, or bacon, the benefits of potatoes can outweigh possible risks. Here are some good reasons to throw white potatoes back into your diet if you’ve been avoiding them 😛 TAGEND

They preserve you satiated longer than other complex carbs. According to a recent examine, participates were more satisfied ingesting potatoes with meat than with rice or pasta. Eating white potatoes also been successful in a lower calorie intake overall for the participants. They’re a good informant of resistant starch. When digested, white potatoes pass through the large intestine where it can feed on the good bacteria in your intestine. This is beneficial for blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity. They supply antioxidants. White potatoes are a good source of antioxidants such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and phenolic battery-acids, which can neutralize free radicals and avoid cancer, heart disease, and other chronic conditions.

Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, are a great choice for diabetics or for those at risk of developing diabetes because of their low-to-medium glycemic index( depending on whether they’re feed with the skin on or off ), which means they won’t establish your blood sugar degrees spike as much as white potatoes.

Here are some other reasons to choose sweet potatoes 😛 TAGEND

They’re a good generator of manganese. This mineral is good for bone development, metabolism, and vitamin absorption. They’re loaded with magnesium. Known as the “great relaxation mineral, ” magnesium can help with blood sugar handling, blood pressure, and metabolism. They fight inflaming. In addition to the abundant amount of vitamin A found in the orange-fleshed varieties, the purple sugary potato varieties are a good generator of anthocyanin, which contains anti-inflammatoryproperties.


sweet potato veggie burger

( Photo courtesy of TOPS.org)

On the sentry for unique ways to prep sweet potatoes? At TOPS.org, you’ll acquire a recipe for a Sweet Potato and Black Bean Burger. Instead of processed veggie burgers out of a pack, create your own, using a cooked mashed sweet potato as a key ingredient.” These hearty burgers are great on the grill or prepared in the pan ,” according to TOPS.org. Click here to get everything it was necessary to: an ingredient list, guidances, and nutrition information.

Sweet Potatoes vs. Potatoes: The Verdict

In the duel of sweet potatoes vs. potatoes, there doesn’t seem to be a clear winner. Both veggies have their pros and cons, but it all comes down to your predilection in savour and your individual health aims. What appears to be most important, though, is that they’re devoured in moderation. It’s best to find health ways to incorporate both of them into your diet and discuss with your doctor your individual concerns, particularly if you’re diabetic.

Potato Cooking Tips

Here are some gratuities you can use at home and while eating out to make sure your potatoes are both delicious and healthy 😛 TAGEND

Avoid sauteing them. As mentioned previously, steaming, simmering, or roasting potatoes will result in a lower calorie and fat content than if you eat them fried. Choose healthier toppings. Instead of loading them up with butter, bacon, cheddar cheese, and sour cream, try topping your potatoes with Greek yogurt, broccoli, honey, or vegetable chili. Escape processed potato products. Potato chips and instantaneous mashed potatoes often contain too much salt, fat, and/ or preservatives. Leave the scalps on. Not merely do they add flavor to your potato dishes, the scalps likewise contain additional fiber and other nutrients.


Depending on where you live, you may have employed the words “sweet potato” and “yam” interchangeably, but are they actually the same thing?

Both are categorized as tubers, but believe it or not, yams and sweet potatoes aren’t even referred. Yams, a popular vegetable in Latin american states, Africa, and the Caribbean, have brown or black skin on the outside and off-white, purple, or red flesh on the inside. They’re sweeter than sweet potatoes, and can be fried, roasted or simmered. They’re quite hard to find in American supermarkets, but you may discover them in markets that sell Caribbean, Asian, or African foods.

So why the confusion? Well, according to the Library of Congress, African slaves in America began calling the soft assortments of sweet potatoes “yams” because it reminded them of the vegetable from their homeland. The name for the soft potpourrus stuck, while the firm smorgasbord continued to be referred to as “sweet potatoes.”


For pertained learning, inspect these posts 😛 TAGEND

Are Potatoes Gluten-Free? Are Potatoes Healthy? New Study Finds an Alarming Risk Glycemic Index Chart: GI Ratings for Hundreds of Foods 8 Healthiest Chips to Eat 12 Fall Foods That Benefit Your Health Inside and Out My Plant-Based Diet: How Ignoring the Most Common Dietary Advice Made Me Feel Better than Ever

This article was originally published in 2018. It is regularly updated.

The post Sweet Potatoes vs. Potatoes: Which Are Healthier ? seemed first on University Health News.

Read more: universityhealthnews.com

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