Report: Nebraska GOP Formally Criticizes Ben Sasse, Avoids Censure Resolution

The Nebraska Republican Party accused Senator Ben Sasse( R-NE) Saturday of not representing his ingredients in a formal reprimand that didn’t go as far as a full-on censure resolution.

According to the Omaha World-Herald, the GOP state committee formally accused Sasse of failing to represent his ingredients, including not taking “any meaningful steps” on immigration reform , not fighting “back against the widespread censorship of republican voices on public platforms, ” and for relying on the legislation of others to advance his conservative credentials instead of forwarding his own legislative agenda.

The committee likewise accused Sasse of requesting and receiving the endorsement of President Donald Trump ahead of the 2020 general election, and then turning around to “criticize us for supporting” Trump once Sasse had won his second senatorial word in November.

Sasse has denied canvassing an endorsement from Trump ahead of the election. The Omaha World-Herald reports, quoting Trump campaign staffers on the condition of obscurity, that Sasse’s team begged a Trump endorsement prior to the election.

The GOP state committee did not issue a formal censure, and a spokesperson for Sasse rejected the effort by party officials, some of whom the senator has blamed indirectly in the past.

” Ben’s won far better votes and also deserved more censures than anybody in Nebraska history, so maybe the two actually run hand in hand ,” Sasse spokesperson James Wegmen told CNN.” He doesn’t lodge his thumb in high winds .”

According to a imitate of the resolution obtained by the Omaha World-Herald, the conclusion of the resolution reads: “Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Nebraska Republican Party Central Committee carries its deep frustration and sadness with respect to the service of Senator Ben Sasse and calls for an immediate readjustment whereby he represents the people of Nebraska to Washington and not Washington to the people of Nebraska and stands rebuked.”

Sasse was one of seven Republican senators who voted to convict Trump in his second impeachment trial, which ended in an acquittal in mid-February. Prior to the trial’s end, but after Sasse caught wind that the nation GOP might consider a censure resolving against him, the Nebraska senator tackled unspecified members of the committee in a video statement.

As The Daily Wire previously reported 😛 TAGEND

” I’ve see from many of you in the days since the attack on the Capitol threatening another censure for what I said about the president’s lies after the election. As a friend, and fellow Republican, I’m going to shoot straight: I’m not going to spend any time trying to talk you out of another censure. I listen to Nebraskans every day, and very few of them are as angry at living as some of the person or persons on the human rights committee. Not all of you, but a lot. Political junkies don’t represent most Nebraska conservatives ,” said Sasse.

Sasse told the committee that “many” of them were upset because he condemned Trump’s “lies that led to a rioting, ” which he afterward emphasized “happened because the president lied to you.” When in agency, said Sasse, Trump “lied about the election results for sixty days, despite losing sixty straight tribunal challenges, many of them handed over by wonderful Trump-appointed magistrates. He lied without saying that the vice president could just violate his constitutional curse and declare a brand-new winner — that wasn’t true-life. He then riled a syndicate that assaulted the Capitol, many chanting,’ hang Pence.’ If that chairperson were a Democrat, we’d both know how you’d respond. But, because he had Republican behind his epithet, you’re defend him.”

“Something has definitely changed over the last four years, but it’s not me. Personality cults aren’t republican. Conspiracy conjectures aren’t republican. Lying that an election has been stolen, is not republican. Acting that politics is a religion — it isn’t conservative ,” he said.

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