Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell Responds To Tucker Carlson: Conduct Your Own Investigation

Trump lawyer Sidney Powell responded to Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s segment about her unproven pretensions regarding voting systems that were used in this month’s elections without saying that Carlson needed to conduct his own investigation.

Powell’s comments came in response to a segment that Carlson aired earlier in the evening during which he called out the Trump campaign’s allegations of voter fraud and exhorted Powell to come on his indicate so she could provide evidence to back up the allegations. Carlson said that his depict repeatedly asked Powell to come on, and that she became angry when she was asked to provide evidence and told the program to stop contacting her.

” Apparently Mr. Carlson missed the news conference today ,” Powell said, ignore the facts of the case that Carlson aired a portion of her remarks during his show.” I would continue to encourage him and all writers to review all the materials we have still further and conduct their own investigations .”

” Evidence continues to pour in, but a 5 minute television hit is not my focus now ,” Powell continued.” Collecting evidence and preparing the instance are my first priorities .”

Carlson said that he offered her the entire hour-long show to air her example and present her indication to the American people.

… and conduct their own investigations. Prove continues to pour in, but a 5 minute television hit is not my focus now. Collecting evidence and preparing the case are my top priorities.”

— Anthony Leonardi (@ TonyDLeonardi) November 20, 2020

Video and transcript below 😛 TAGEND

Carlson began 😛 TAGEND

All of which delivers us to the bombshell at the center of today’s press conference — that was delivered by former lawyer Sidney Powell, who has also served as general Mike Flynn’s lawyer. For more than a week, Powell has been all over republican media with the following story: this election was stolen by a collecting of international leftists who manipulated vote tabulating software in order to flip millions of referendums from Donald Trump to Joe Biden.

The other period on tv, Powell said of Trump, that when the scam is finally disclosed,’ I think we’ll find he had at least 80 million votes.’ In other words, rigged application slip about 7 million elections in this election.

Powell stated 😛 TAGEND

One of its most characteristic features is its ability to flip votes. It can specify and passed an algorithm that probably led all over the country to take a certain percentage of polls from President Trump and flip-flop them to President Biden, which we were able to never have unveiled had the votes for President Trump not been so overwhelming in so many of these states that it broke the algorithm that had been plugged into the system, and that’s what caused them to have to shut down in the states they closed down in.

Carlson continued 😛 TAGEND

That was a few hours ago, but Sidney Powell has just said similar things for periods. On Sunday night, we texted her after watching one of her segments. What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American record. Millions of elections stolen in a period. Democracy destroyed. The purpose of our centuries-old system of self-government — not a small thing. To be perfectly clear, we did not dismiss any of it. We don’t dismiss anything anymore, specially when it’s related to technology. We’ve talked to too many Silicon Valley whistleblowers; we’ve seen too much. After four years, this is perhaps the single most open-minded show on television. We literally do UFO segments , not because we are crazy or even interested in the subject, but because there is evidence that UFOs are real and everyone lies about it.

There is evidence a lot of things responsible people used to dismiss out of hand as ridiculous can actually real, and we don’t care who mocks it. The louder the Yale political science department and the staff of The Atlantic magazine scream’ conspiracy assumption, ’ the more interested we tend to be. It’s typically a sign you’re over the target.

A lot of people with impressive sounding credentials in this country are hoaxes; they have no idea what they’re doing. They’re children posing as powers, and when they’re caught, they lie and then they accused you for it. We see that every day; it’s the central theme of this see and will continue to be. So, that’s the long way of saying we took Sidney Powell severely; we have no intention of fighting with her, we’ve ever respected her study — we simply wanted to see the details. How could you not so wishes them? So we invited Sidney Powell on this demonstrate. We would’ve given her the whole hour; we would’ve given her the entire week actually and listened quietly the whole time at rapt attention — that’s a big story. But she never sent us any evidence despite a lot of askings, polite petitions , not a page. When we deterred pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her. When we checked with others around the Trump campaign, people in positions of authority, they told us Powell has never given them any evidence either , nor did she furnished any today at the press conference. Powell did say electronic voting is dangerous, and she’s right — we’re with her there — but she never demonstrated that a single actual poll was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another , not one.

So why are we telling you this? We’re telling you this because it’s true-blue. In the end, that’s all that matters, the truth. It’s our merely hope; it’s our best defense. And it’s how we’re different from them. We care what’s true-life and we know you care, too. That’s why we “ve told you”. Maybe Sidney Powell will come forward soon with details on exactly how this happened and precisely who did it — perhaps she will. We are certainly hopeful that she will. What happened with the vote-counting this month and at the polling places in Detroit and the polling places in Philadelphia and so much else actually matters. It matters no matter who you voted for, it matters whether or not you think this election is over. Until will know the answers to those questions conclusively and we can agree on them, this country will not be healed.


BREAKING: Tucker Carlson slams Sidney Powell for inducing wild contends, but no evidence. FPCAZ0KHEf

— ((( Jason Rantz ))) on KTTH Radio (@ jasonrantz) November 20, 2020

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