Weekly Health Quiz: Vertigo, Muscles and Statins

1 Which of the following nutritional supplements has a proven track record as a powerful antiviral, significantly reducing your risk of common cold, influenza and several other viral maladies?

Resveratrol Quercetin

Quercetin reduces your risk of cold or influenza and boosts mental performance following extreme physical stress, which might otherwise undermine your immune function and make you more susceptible to infections. It jam-pack a powerful antiviral punch, impeding several stress of influenza, hepatitis B and C, and other viruses. Learn more .

PQQ Berberine

2 Which of the following have been identified as driving forces behind the opioid epidemic?

Cancer suffering and suffering associated with bone fractures Arthritis, fibromyalgia and widespread agony disorder Back agony and post-surgical pain from tonsillectomies and wisdom teeth removal

The inappropriate treatment approach to back pain and post-surgical pain from tonsillectomies and wisdom teeth removal are driving forces behind the opioid epidemic. Learn more .

Urinary tract infections, gout and migraines

3 According to a systematic review of statin trials, statin drugs prolong life by an average of:

Three to four years Three to four months Three to four weeks Three to four days

A 2015 systematic review of statin experiments found that in primary prevention trials, the median postponement of death was 3.2 periods. In secondary prevention trials, statins prolonged life by a median of four. 1 days. Learn more .

4 Positional vertigo occurs when:

Crystal deposits in your inner ear are dislodged

Positional vertigo occurs when crystal sediments in your inner ear become dislodged and end up in your ear canal. As you move, the crystals disrupt the flow of the fluids, thereby embarrassing your balance organs. Learn more .

You’ve suffered a concussion When wax builds up and puts pressure on your eardrum When a tumor is growing in your psyche or spinal cord

5 Recent research presents untrained individuals in their 70 s and 80 s:

Have about one-quarter of the capacity to build muscle as lifelong players of the same age, proving age-related muscle loss is inevitable Have the same ability to build muscle as lifelong jocks of the same age, proving it’s never too late to get fitter

Research depicts untrained individuals in their 70 s and 80 s have the same capacity to build muscle as lifelong contestants of the same age, proving it’s never too late to get fitter. Learn more .

Have half the capacity to build muscle as lifelong players of the same age, showing you must strength train earlier in life to maintain muscle as you age Have doubled the capacity to build muscle as lifelong athletes of the same age, proving wishful thinking is real

6 The benefits of geothermal greenhouses include

sustainable utilize of the Earth’s own heat no harmful herbicides or pesticides a neighbourhood source of “sunbelt” fruits and vegetables all of the above

Geothermal greenhouses enable organic, locally grown produce to be produced with minimal cost. Learn more .

7 Autophagy refers to the biological process in which:

Your muscle cells are rebuilt following protein uptake Your cells self-destruct, which is an important component of cancer prevention Your cells are being recycled and converted back into vigor

Autophagy refers to the biological process in which your cells are being recycled and converted back into vigor. It’s a recycling mechanism that prevents the accumulation of old and worn-out organelles. Learn more .

Cellular health is inhibited, preventing regeneration

Read more: articles.mercola.com

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