7 things to do with your money that will put you light-years ahead of your friends

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If you want to be better with fund in 2020, there are a few things you can do that will have a big impact. For lesson, start tracking your expend to find out where you can save more; put your money in a high-yield savings account to help it develop; and eliminate any high-interest debt. To lay a foundation for building long-term money, save a part of your income in a retirement account and invest in the stock market. Read more personal investment coverage .

The vast majority of Americans are undersaved for retirement, saddled with debt, and stressed about fund.

The good news? Your financial situation is not set in stone. A few smart-alecky decisions, like monitoring your spending, saving as much as you can, prepare the way for the future, and seeking professional assist, can give you on a direction to fortune that will leave your friends wondering how they can get there, too.See the rest of the tale at Business Insider

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