This pig wouldn’t stop harassing a reporter, and I think I know why

Animal avoidance is sports.

A Greek reporter trying to conduct a news report retained getting interrupted by a problem of the porcine persuasion.

TV reporter engaged relentlessly by a pig during live broadcast UYf6Q 5MZ8F

— The Independent (@ Independent) November 27, 2019

If you think a gentle pat on the head would have sent this piggie on the way, I’m here to tell you that I don’t think so. Look at the drive and dedication of this animal to keep sniffing at the reporters legs and bully him around this grime road.

Something is going on that pushed this pig to harass a reporter, and I anticipate I know why … truffles.

In case you weren’t aware, truffle swine are used to forage for the pricey fungu, as their breathtaking sense of smell can allow them to detect truffles as far and three paws underground. It’s my notion that this reporter was tricked into going into a hog-infested area, with truffles in his pockets — maybe placed by a coworker looking to play a prank.

At this level the truffle hog is just trying to do its undertaking and dig up the truffles, but they’re inside the reporter’s pockets, which in turn leads to the harassment. It’s a good animal, so naturally it can’t simply be shooed away when it’s trying to do its job. No, this hog had its eyes on the booty, and honestly we should celebrate the animal for working so diligently so we can eat yummy truffles.

Either that or the pig is just an ass.

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