In the final part of our serial on the American left we look at how marginalized groups in America are now asserting themselves
“However rebellious offsprings may be, they have their parents’ genes; American revolutionaries are Americans, ” wrote the late radical writer Andrew Kopkind in the New York Times in 1968. “They cannot readily cross class cables to organize groups above or below their own station. They are caught in the same status traps as everyone else, even if they react self-consciously.”
What is true for class also runs for race, gender, age and a range of other affiliations: the American left are the products of the very civilization they are trying to change. As Trump has targetedwomen, black people, Latinos, Muslims and immigrants– to name but a few cases- so those groups have rallied and are asserting themselves while others, within the progressive coalition, have become more sensitized to their condition.
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