Epic Games Store’s opt-in review system aims to cut down on review bombing

Epic Games founder Tim Sweeney denies accusations that the Epic store is silencing consumers.

The review system on Epic’s storefront is currently based on the Unreal Engine marketplace, letting devs opt-in.” We think this is best because review bombing and other gaming-the-system is a real trouble ,” Sweeney clarified on Twitter( via GamesIndustry.biz ), in response to accusations that the company was ” trying to stillnes buyers “.

He has a point, bearing in mind the fact that shortly after the notice that Metro Exodus is going to be an Epic Store timed-exclusive, Steam customers proceeded to review bomb the entire serial on the platform in protest.

Both Metro 2033 Redux and Metro Last-place Light have had a high volume of negative reviews in the few days since the news broke.

The Epic Games Store launched last month and has seduced over a number of developers with its more generous revenue split.

” It’s up to you guys to decide what’s anti-consumer, but our goal with the Epic Games store is to be very pro-competitive. In other terms, to vie as a store and promote health competition among stores ,” Sweeney said in a Reddit thread in reply to criticisms about timed-exclusives.

” When lots of storages rival, the result is a combination of better prices for you, better deals for developers, and more investment in brand-new content and innovation. These exclusives don’t commenced to stores for free; they’re a result of some combining of marketing commitments, progress fund, or revenue guarantees. This all helps developers .”

Sweeney says that” multiple stores are necessary for the health of ecological systems ,” which is why a number of developers have been” super enthusiastic” about Epic’s store.

” For customers, I get that it’s yet another launcher and if you have Steam installed you’d are seeking to only use it. But if you want way better games to be built in the future, then delight accept what good this storage can do.

” Steam takes 30% and Epic takes 12%. That’s an 18% change, and most devs shape WAY less than an 18% gain perimeter- so this can be the difference between being able to fund a new play and going bankrupt !”

In the same thread, Sweeney confirmed that offline reinforcement is being added for the Epic Games launcher in early 2019.

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Read more: vg247.com

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