Homeowner Association Horror Stories

swings home association

The Scandalous Swing Set

The firstly of our repugnance tales takes home in 2013 when their own families in Missouri installed a backyard shake established and finished the wood with a muted purple discoloration. They imagined the finish “il be going” nicely with the purples and red-faceds of their trees in the Fall. Unfortunately, their HOA acquired it unacceptable. What followed was an escalating series of penalties and notes threatening legal action and even jail hour, all over a sway determined colour choice. Once the example actually got to tribunal, the judge promptly ruled in favor of the homeowners, and they prevented their swing set.

As mentioned in this Consumer Liaison write-up ,~ ATAGEND the family celebrated with a win barbecue, which was also attended by their neighbors–the very homeowners that the home association supposedly represented. The household in this story was permitted to stand up and fighting, but if you belong to an HOA, then you may want to make sure your potential shake defined programme convenes their criteria. Here’s a list of 12 backyard sways everyone will enjoy. Just be sure to run them by your HOA before you get started!

Read more: familyhandyman.com

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