A Guide To Abortion Laws, Waiting Periods & Other Restrictions By State

So you need to get an abortion? Between statutes designed to curb access to clinics and the rise of crisis maternity centres, there are more restraints and misinformation than ever. But don’t panic. Ahead, we made a guide to help you steer the mess of regulations so you can get the help you need.

Abortion Restrictions State By State

Learn more about the abortion services and the specific regulations available government by state .

Colors represent the amount of laws limiting abortion access by government. 0-1 represents least sum of restrictions, while 5 are more rules. Crisis pregnancy centers masquerade as legitimate women’s health clinics but in reality do not offer abortion service and are designed to dissuaded girls from striving abortions and family planning. For more information on CPCs and to find out about fake clinics in your area, visit ExposeFakeClinics.com.Abortion clinic data via Guttmacher and CPC data via ExposeFakeClinics.com

Explore Abortion Rights By State

Though Roe v. Wade makes abortion legal in the U.S ., governments have substantial latitude to govern the methods used. Restraints and requirements — which range from how far along in your maternity you are to needing an ultrasound and parental permission — vary greatly from nation to government. Learn more about abortion rights .

Do You Need Help?

If you’re looking for informed on how and where to get an abortion in your particular area, visit ineedana.com. It is a free resource that helps people navigate country the regulations and find the most relevant abortion services and resources.

Read the full narrative on abortion rights .


Waypoints – 4.0.1 Copyright( c) 2011 -2 016 Caleb Troughton Licensed for the purposes of the MIT license. https://github.com/imakewebthings/waypoints/blob/master/licenses.txt */

! function () “use strict”; purpose t( n ) if (! n) hurl new Error( “No alternatives extended to Waypoint constructor” ); if (! n.element) shed new Error( “No element option passed to Waypoint constructor” ); if (! n.handler) shed brand-new Error( “No handler option passed to Waypoint constructor” ); this.key= “waypoint-“+ e, this.options= t.Adapter.extend (, t.defaults, n ), this.element= this.options.element, this.adapter= new t.Adapter( this.element ), this.callback= n.handler, this.axis= this.options.horizontal? “horizontal”: “vertical”, this.enabled= this.options.enabled, this.triggerPoint= null, this.group= t.Group.findOrCreate ( call: this.options.group, axis: this.axis ), this.context= t.Context.findOrCreateByElement( this.options.context ), t.offsetAliases[ this.options.offset ]&&( this.options.offset= t.offsetAliases[ this.options.offset ]), this.group.add( this ), this.context.add( this ), i[ this.key ]= this, e+= 1 var e= 0, i = ; t.prototype.queueTrigger= purpose( t ) this.group.queueTrigger( this, t ), t.prototype.trigger= purpose( t ) this.enabled && this.callback && this.callback.apply( this, t ), t.prototype.destroy= part () this.context.remove( this ), this.group.remove( this ), delete i[ this.key ], t.prototype.disable= purpose () return this.enabled =! 1, this , t.prototype.enable= function () return this.context.refresh (), this.enabled =! 0, this , t.prototype.next= role () return this.group.next( this ), t.prototype.previous= purpose () return this.group.previous( this ), t.invokeAll= part( t ) var e =[ ]; for( var n in i) e.push( i[ n ]); for( var o= 0, r= e.length; r> o; o ++) e[ o ][ t ](), t.destroyAll= role () t.invokeAll( “destroy” ), t.disableAll= function () t.invokeAll( “disable” ), t.enableAll= function () t.Context.refreshAll (); for( var e in i) i[ e ]. allowed =! 0; return this , t.refreshAll= purpose () t.Context.refreshAll (), t.viewportHeight= part () document.documentElement.clientHeight , t.viewportWidth= role () return document.documentElement.clientWidth , t.adapters =[ ], t.defaults = context: window, continuous :! 0, allowed :! 0, group: “default”, horizontal :! 1, offset: 0 , t.offsetAliases = “bottom-in-view”: part () return this.context.innerHeight() -this.adapter.outerHeight (), “right-in-view”: function () return this.context.innerWidth() -this.adapter.outerWidth (), window.Waypoint= t (), purpose () “use strict”; function t( t ) window.setTimeout( t, 1e3/ 60 ) function e( t )( o.windowContext =! 0, o.windowContext= brand-new e( window )), this.createThrottledScrollHandler (), this.createThrottledResizeHandler () var i= 0, n = , o= window.Waypoint, r= window.onload; e.prototype.add= purpose( t ) var e= t.options.horizontal? “horizontal”: “vertical”; this.waypoints[ e ][ t.key ]= t, this.refresh (), e.prototype.checkEmpty= purpose () var t= this.Adapter.isEmptyObject( this.waypoints.horizontal ), e= this.Adapter.isEmptyObject( this.waypoints.vertical ), i= this.element == this.element.window; t && e &&! i &&( this.adapter.off( “.waypoints” ), delete n[ this.key ]), e.prototype.createThrottledResizeHandler= role () purpose t () e.handleResize (), e.didResize =! 1 var e= this; this.adapter.on( “resize.waypoints”, part ()( e.didResize =! 0, o.requestAnimationFrame( t ))), e.prototype.createThrottledScrollHandler= function () role t () e.handleScroll (), e.didScroll =! 1 var e= this; this.adapter.on( “scroll.waypoints”, role ()(! e.didScroll ), e.prototype.handleResize= function () o.Context.refreshAll (), e.prototype.handleScroll= function () var t = , e = horizontal : newScroll: this.adapter.scrollLeft (), oldScroll: this.oldScroll.x, forward: “right”, backward: “left” , horizontal : newScroll: this.adapter.scrollTop (), oldScroll: this.oldScroll.y, forward: “down”, backward: “up” ; for( var i in e ) var n= e[ i ], o= n.newScroll> n.oldScroll, r= o? n.forward: n.backward; for( var s in this.waypoints[ i ]) var l= this.waypoints[ i ][ s ]; if( null !== l.triggerPoint ) var a= n.oldScroll= l.triggerPoint, p= a && h, u =! a &&! h ;( p for( var d in t) t[ d ]. flushTriggers (); this.oldScroll = x: e.horizontal.newScroll, y: e.vertical.newScroll , e.prototype.innerHeight= part () return this.element == this.element.window? o.viewportHeight (): this.adapter.innerHeight (), e.prototype.remove= purpose( t ) delete this.waypoints[ t.axis ][ t.key ], this.checkEmpty (), e.prototype.innerWidth= part () return this.element == this.element.window? o.viewportWidth (): this.adapter.innerWidth (), e.prototype.destroy= part () var t =[ ]; for( var e in this.waypoints) for( var i in this.waypoints[ e ]) t.push( this.waypoints[ e ][ i ]); for( var n= 0, o= t.length; o> n; n ++) t[ n ]. destroy (), e.prototype.refresh= role () var t, e= this.element == this.element.window, i= e? void 0: this.adapter.offset (), n = ; this.handleScroll (), t = horizontal : contextOffset: e? 0: i.left, contextScroll: e? 0: this.oldScroll.x, contextDimension: this.innerWidth (), oldScroll: this.oldScroll.x, forward: “right”, backward: “left”, offsetProp: “left” , horizontal : contextOffset: e? 0: i.top, contextScroll: e? 0: this.oldScroll.y, contextDimension: this.innerHeight (), oldScroll: this.oldScroll.y, forward: “down”, backward: “up”, offsetProp: “top” ; for( var r in t ) var s= t[ r ]; for( var l in this.waypoints[ r ]) var a, h, p, u, d, f= this.waypoints[ r ][ l ], c= f.options.offset, w= f.triggerPoint, y= 0, g= null == w; f.element !== f.element.window &&( y= f.adapter.offset ()[ s.offsetProp ]), “function” == typeof c? c= c.apply( f ): “string” == typeof c &&( c =p arseFloat( c ), f.options.offset.indexOf( “% ” )> -1 &&( c= Math.ceil( s.contextDimension* c/ 100 ))), a= s.contextScroll-s.contextOffset, f.triggerPoint= Math.floor( y+ a-c ), h= w= s.oldScroll, u= h && p, d=! h &&! p ,! g && u ?( f.queueTrigger( s.backward ), n[ f.group.id ]= f.group ):! g && d ?( f.queueTrigger( s.forward ), n[ f.group.id ]= f.group ): g && s.oldScroll >= f.triggerPoint &&( f.queueTrigger( s.forward ), n[ f.group.id ]= f.group ) return o.requestAnimationFrame( part () for( var t in n) n[ t ]. flushTriggers ()), this , e.findOrCreateByElement= function( t ) brand-new e( t ), e.refreshAll= purpose () for( var t in n) n[ t ]. refresh (), e.findByElement= part( t ) return n[ t.waypointContextKey ], window.onload= role () r && r (), e.refreshAll (), o.requestAnimationFrame= role( e ) window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame , o.Context= e (), purpose () “use strict”; part t( t, e ) return t.triggerPoint-e.triggerPoint function e( t, e ) return e.triggerPoint-t.triggerPoint purpose i( t ) this.name= t.name, this.axis= t.axis, this.id= this.name+ “-“+ this.axis, this.waypoints =[ ], this.clearTriggerQueues (), n[ this.axis ][ this.name ]= this var n = horizontal : , horizontal : , o= window.Waypoint; i.prototype.add= function( t ) this.waypoints.push( t ), i.prototype.clearTriggerQueues= function () this.triggerQueues = up:[ ], down:[ ], left:[ ], right:[ ], i.prototype.flushTriggers= role () for( var i in this.triggerQueues ) var n= this.triggerQueues[ i ], o= “up” === i this.clearTriggerQueues (), i.prototype.next= function( e ) this.waypoints.sort( t ); var i= o.Adapter.inArray( e, this.waypoints ), n= i === this.waypoints.length-1; return n? null: this.waypoints[ i +1 ], i.prototype.previous= role( e ) this.waypoints.sort( t ); var i= o.Adapter.inArray( e, this.waypoints ); return i? this.waypoints[ i-1 ]: null , i.prototype.queueTrigger= role( t, e ) this.triggerQueues[ e ]. push( t ), i.prototype.remove= purpose( t ) var e= o.Adapter.inArray( t, this.waypoints ); e> -1 && this.waypoints.splice( e, 1 ), i.prototype.first= role () return this.waypoints[ 0 ], i.prototype.last= purpose () return this.waypoints[ this.waypoints.length-1 ], i.findOrCreate= purpose( t ) brand-new i( t ), o.Group= i (), role () “use strict”; part t( t ) return t === t.window role e( e ) return t( e )? e: e.defaultView part i( t ) this.element= t, this.handlers = var n= window.Waypoint; i.prototype.innerHeight= part () var e= t( this.element ); return e? this.element.innerHeight: this.element.clientHeight , i.prototype.innerWidth= role () var e= t( this.element ); return e? this.element.innerWidth: this.element.clientWidth , i.prototype.off= purpose( t, e )[], e ), this.handlers[ l ][ o ]= []; else if( r && this.handlers[ r ]) for( var a in this.handlers[ r ]) i( s, this.handlers[ r ][ a ], e ); this.handlers[ r ]= , i.prototype.offset= purpose () if (! this.element.ownerDocument) return null; var t= this.element.ownerDocument.documentElement, i= e( this.element.ownerDocument ), n = top: 0, left: 0 ; return this.element.getBoundingClientRect &&( n= this.element.getBoundingClientRect ()), crest: n.top+ i.pageYOffset-t.clientTop, left: n.left+ i.pageXOffset-t.clientLeft , i.prototype.on= purpose( t, e ), i.prototype.outerHeight= role( e ) var i, n= this.innerHeight (); return e &&! t( this.element )&&( i= window.getComputedStyle( this.element ), n+= parseInt( i.marginTop, 10 ), n+= parseInt( i.marginBottom, 10 )), n , i.prototype.outerWidth= purpose( e ) var i, n= this.innerWidth (); return e &&! t( this.element )&&( i= window.getComputedStyle( this.element ), n+= parseInt( i.marginLeft, 10 ), n+= parseInt( i.marginRight, 10 )), n , i.prototype.scrollLeft= part () var t= e( this.element ); return t? t.pageXOffset: this.element.scrollLeft , i.prototype.scrollTop= role () var t= e( this.element ); return t? t.pageYOffset: this.element.scrollTop , i.extend= function () purpose t( t, e ) if( “object” == typeof t && “object” == typeof e) for( var i in e) e.hasOwnProperty( i )&&( t[ i ]= e[ i ]); return t for( var e= Array.prototype.slice.call( statements ), i= 1, n= e.length; n> i; i ++) t( e[ 0 ], e[ i ]); return e[ 0 ], i.inArray= function( t, e, i ) return null == e? -1: e.indexOf( t, i ), i.isEmptyObject= role( t ) for( var e in t) return! 1; return! 0 , n.adapters.push ( epithet: “noframework”, Adapter: i ), n.Adapter= i ();

/* Scroll to Anchor */

function scrollToAnchor( id)

const factor= document.getElementById( id );

element.scrollIntoView ( block: ‘start’, behavior: ‘smooth’ );

/* Toggle Country */

role openToggle( id, popid, barid)

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sticky[ 0 ]. style.top= “0”;

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column_left[ 0 ]. style.marginLeft= “0”;


var wpStickyLegendHide= brand-new Waypoint (

ingredient: document.getElementById( ‘lab-washington’ ),

handler: role( direction)

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if( guidance == ‘down’)

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sticky[ 0 ]. style.WebkitTransition= “all 0.4 “;

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sticky[ 0 ]. style.WebkitTransition= “all 0.4 “;


const buttonTop=[ document.getElementById( ‘lab-jump-top’ )];

var wpStickyTopHide= new Waypoint (

component: document.getElementById( ‘lab-texas’ ),

handler: purpose( direction)

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buttonTop[ 0 ]. style.transition= “all 0.4 s”;

buttonTop[ 0 ]. style.WebkitTransition= “all 0.4 “;

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ingredient: document.getElementById( ‘lab-map-data’ ),

handler: role( direction)

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if( guidance == ‘up’)

stickyHelp[ 0 ]. style.display= “none”;


/* lab-tennessee */


const element_nav=[ document.getElementById( ‘lab-map-intro’ )];

var wpHideNav= new Waypoint (

element_nav_mark: document.getElementById( ‘lab-map-intro’ ),

handler: function( guidance)

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sticky[ 0 ]. style.position= “fixed”;

sticky[ 0 ]. style.top= “0px”;

column_left[ 0 ]. marginLeft= “5 50 px”;

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sticky[ 0 ]. style.position= “relative”;

column_left[ 0 ]. marginLeft= “0”;



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/* Or you can adjust the tranparency and colors of the global header background…background-color: transparent! important; background-color: #000! important; background-color: rgba( 0,0, 0,0.5)! important; */. global-header /* background-color: rgba( 0,0, 0,0.0)! important; *//* Global nav items, Discover, Watch, Shop, More */. global-navigation presentation: pulley-block! important ; /* Global Edition switched */. global-site-switch presentation: block! important ; /* Search bar, will interfere with a custom-built subnav */. global-search-nav display: pulley-block! important ; /* Sticky header with headline and share */. condensed-header presentation: none! important ; /* Breadcrumb from primary label */. primary-tag-banner showing: none! important ; /* Hero opener */. opener elevation: 1px! important; opacity: 0! important; presentation: none! important ; /* Headline, details, author, date and social */. header showing: none! important ; /* Headline social */. story-share showing: none! important ; /* Headline Author and details */. main-contributors,. modified showing: none! important ; /* Spot IM Comments */. spot-im-comments-container presentation: none! important; max-width: 720 px! important ; /* Spot IM Stories etc. */. spot-im-recirculation-container stature: 1px! important; opacity: 0! important; display: none! important ; /* Spot IM Elements */. spot-im-comments-container span.sppre_header-text colouring: #fff! important ; /* Author and credits footer */ footer showing: none! important ; /* Below the fold, related narratives etc. */# below-the-fold-modules stature: 1px! important; opacity: 0! important; display: none! important ; /* Product carousel, removes any auto generated products such as Amazon Prime etc. */. product-carousel summit: 1px! important; opacity: 0! important; showing: none! important ; /* Footer Discover, Watch, Shop bars */. jump-wrapper showing: none! important ; /* Global Footer */. global-footer display: pulley-block! important ;. sp-full-width-image presentation: block ;. sp-full-width-image-mobile presentation: none ; @media simply screen and( max-width: 760.99 px ). sp-full-width-image presentation: none ;. sp-full-width-image-mobile showing: cube ; /* Video hero */. video-container presentation: block! important ;. video-container margin-top: -7 8p x! important ; @media only screen and( max-width: 760.99 px ). video-container margin-top: -4 0px! important ; /* Force the custom-built hero image or video to top border */# r29-container margin-top: -5 8p x! important; margin-bottom: -6 8p x! important ; @media only screen and( max-width: 760.99 px )# r29-container margin-top: -8 6px! important ; /* Following removes width self-restraint from the contents modules, you’ll is therefore necessary to tradition contrain etc. */# article-main-content,. r29-article,. torso,. section-container,. full-width,. section-asset-container,. center-align,. full-width width: 100%! important; max-width: 100%! important; margin: 0! important ; /* Removes padding on mobile */. r29-article padding-left: 0! important ;p adding-right: 0! important ; /* Re-constrain the body copy to a max width */. section-text max-width: 720 px; margin: 0 automobile ;p adding-left: 15 px ;p adding-right: 15 px ; /* Overlay darknes for video and image hero */. sp-nav-shadow max-width: 100%! important; widths: 100%! important; z-index: 200! important ;p osition: absolute! important; top: 0px! important; left: 0px! important; text-align: centre! important; margin: 0 automobile 0! important ; @media merely screen and( max-width: 760.99 px ). sp-nav-shadow max-width: 100%! important; z-index: 200! important ;p osition: absolute! important; top: 0px! important; left: 0px! important; text-align: middle! important ; /* Hide loading animatiion */. main: before presentation: none! important ; /* Hide text as comments */. section-text presentation: none! important; content: “”! important ;. action_button_container display: none! important; content: “”! important ; /* END Section – Setup ————————————————— *//* Section – State CSS ————————————————— */ #sp-states-hero z-index: 200; margin-top: -8 0px! important; posture: absolute; width: 100%; min-height: 790 px; stature: 790 px; background-color: #f17254; perimeter: 0 vehicle; cushion: 0 ; #sp-states-map z-index: 210; margin-top: -7 0px! important; outlook: absolute; width: 100%; min-height: 750 px; stature: 750 px; boundary: 0 vehicle; stuffing: 0 ; #sp-states-header z-index: 220; margin-top: 0px! important; statu: absolute; width: 100%; min-height: 750 px; altitude: 750 px; boundary: 0 automobile; padding: 0 ; #sp-states-header h1, #sp-states-header h3 font-family: Playfair Display, serif; font-weight: 400; word-spacing: normal; letter-spacing: -. 02 em; line-height: 1.3 em; text-transform: none; font-size: 56 px; colour: #ffdb06 ; #sp-states-header h3 font-size: 23 px ;. sp-state-slider overflow: veiled; white-space: normal; stuffing: 10 px 0; scroll-behavior: none ;. sp-cand-card showing: inline-block; width: 240 px ;p adding: 10 px 20 px 5px; margin: 0 0 40 px; borderline: 0px solid #fff; vertical-align: crest; text-align: middle ;. sp-cand-row /* margin-left: 40 px; *//*. sp-cand-first-card margin: 1px solid #fff; margin-right: 40 px ; */. sp-all-width width: 100%; text-align: middle; perimeter: 0 vehicle! important ;. sp-state font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-weight: 700; word-spacing: normal; letter-spacing: 0.185 em; line-height: 1.3 em; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 28 px; colouring: #00 ;. sp-state-deadlines font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-size: 11 px; letter-spacing:. 05 em; line-height: 1.3 em; word-spacing: normal; text-transform: uppercase; colouring: #333; padding-bottom: 20 px ;. sp-cand-name font-family: Playfair Display, serif; font-weight: 400; word-spacing: normal; letter-spacing: 0.075 em; line-height: 1.3 em; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 18 px; color: #000; text-align: center ;p adding-bottom: 3px ;. sp-cand-office,. sp-cand-general,. sp-cand-primary-date,. sp-cand-election-date,. sp-cand-district,. sp-election-result font-family: Brown Bold, sans-serif; font-size: 10 px; letter-spacing:. 15 em; line-height: 1.3 em; word-spacing: normal; text-transform: uppercase; colouring: #000; text-align: center; padding-top: 10 px ;. sp-office-line thicknes: 66 px; summit: 1px; margin: 3px vehicle 8p x; background-color: #000 ;. sp-cand-district text-transform: none; padding-top: 5px ;. sp-election-result showing: none ;. sp-party /* font-size: 19 px! important; */ padding-left: 0px; showing: none ;. sp-cand-general padding-top: 10 px ;. sp-cand-office padding-bottom: 3px ;. sp-cand-note font-family: Georgia, serif; font-size: 10 px; letter-spacing: 0em; line-height: 1.35 em; word-spacing: normal; coloring: #333; text-align: middle; cushion: 10 px 0 10 px ;. sp-cand-name a margin-bottom: 10 px! important ;. sp-cand-name a /* border-bottom: 1px solid #333; */. sp-winner background-color: #fff! important; padding-left: 6px; padding-right: 5px; colouring: #f17254! important ;. sp-loser background-color: #2f293a; padding-left: 6px; padding-right: 5px; coloring: #fff! important; opacity: 0.85 ;. sp-election-result summit: 24 px ;. sp-state-abbr font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-size: 18 px; letter-spacing:. 05 em; line-height: 1.3 em; word-spacing: normal; text-transform: uppercase; color: #f5ede2; text-align: center; padding-top: 8p x ;. sp-mini-state-name,. sp-states-subheader font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-size: 9px; letter-spacing:. 025 em; line-height: 1.3 em; word-spacing: normal; text-transform: uppercase; color: #f5ede2; text-align: middle; padding-top: 2px ;. sp-states-subheader font-size: 16 px ;. sp-state-card presentation: inline-block; thicknes: 100 px ;p adding: 6px 10 px 10 px; margin: 0 0 20 px; border: 0px solid #fff; vertical-align: pinnacle; cursor: arrow ;p ointer-events: vehicle; transform: magnitude( 1.25 ); . sp-state-nav-slider overflow: vehicle; white-space: nowrap; padding: 17 px 20 px; scroll-behavior: smooth; text-align: left ;p ointer-events: vehicle; -ms-overflow-style: none; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: none ;. sp-state-nav-width thicknes: 100%; max-width: 100% ;. sp-states-subheader margin-top: 50 px; margin-bottom: 30 px ;. sp-states-map-module overflow: auto; white-space: nowrap; padding: 0; scroll-behavior: smooth; text-align: centre; thicknes: 100%; max-width: 100% ; #sp-state-big-list background-color: #ec938d ; /* State Popupa */. sp-cand-card-image thicknes: 100% ;d isplay: blocking; margin-bottom: 10 px ;. sp-cand-card-image img border-radius: 300 px ;/* border: 10 px solid #fff; */ max-width: 150 px ;. sp-cand-card-details width: 100% ;d isplay: pulley-block ;. sp-dem margin: 4px solid #1c5885 ;. sp-rep,. sp-reb borderline: 4px solid #df542f ;. sp-lib margin: 4px solid #db8000; /* gold */. sp-gre border: 4px solid #0daf37; /* green */. sp-close-container statu: determined; thickness: 100%; max-width: 1800 px; perimeter: 0; cushion: 0; crest: 0; left: -5 0 %; float: none ;p ointer-events: auto ;. sp-close-button thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1800 px; cursor: pointer ;p ointer-events: auto ;. sp-close-button img thicknes: 100%; max-width: 38 px; float: privilege; /* margin-top: 20 px; */ padding-right: 20 px; margin-right: -5 20 px; margin-top: 90 px ;. sp-popup-line width: 85%; stature: 2px; background-color: #df542f; boundary: 10 px automobile 10 px; text-align: center ;. sp-popup-subheader font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-size: 13 px; letter-spacing:. 025 em; text-transform: uppercase; padding-bottom: 30 px ;. sp-popup-subheader span border-bottom: 1px solid #df542f; padding-bottom: 8p x ;. sp-map-popup overflow-y: scroll; posture: secured; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; elevation: 100%; z-index: 9999999999; background-color: #14293e; /* background-color: rgba( 0,0, 0,0.4 ); */ background-size: cover; opacity: 0; showing: none ;p ointer-events: automobile ;. sp-map-popup-column width: 100%; max-width: 350 px; stuffing: 45 px 0 50 px! important; min-height: none; text-align: middle; margin: 60 px vehicle; border-radius: 0px; borderline: 0px solid #000; background: #14293e; /* Old browsers */ pointer-events: vehicle ; /* Popups content& rollover cards */. sp-roll-state stance: absolute; pointer-events: none; background-color: transparent; margin: 0px solid #d3d4c9; stuffing: 0; margin-left: 0; pointer-events: none; text-align: center; transform: magnitude( 0.9 ); . lab-card thicknes: 320 px; stature: 270 px ;p adding: 20 px; background-color: #14293e ;. lab-card-note thicknes: 320 px ;p adding: 20 px ;. lab-card-title font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16 px; font-weight: 600; font-style: bold; line-height: 1.35 em; letter-spacing: 0.025 em; text-transform: uppercase; coloring: #f5ede2 ;p adding-bottom: 10 px; text-align: left; clear: both ;. lab-card-columns border-top: 3px solid #f5ede2; border-bottom: 3px solid #f5ede2; clear: both ;. lab-card-column-left thicknes: 140 px; swim: left ;p adding: 10 px 0 ;. lab-card-column-right thicknes: 140 px; float: left ;p adding: 10 px 0 ;. lab-card-number font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 72 px; font-weight: 600; font-style: bold; line-height: 1.35 em; letter-spacing: 0.025 em; text-transform: uppercase; color: #fff; text-align: left ;p adding-bottom: 8p x ;. lab-card-column-label font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16 px; font-style: bold; line-height: 1.35 em; letter-spacing: 0.025 em; text-transform: uppercase; colour: #f5ede2; text-align: left ;p adding . sp-map-popup. lab-card thicknes: 100%; max-width: 100% ;p adding: 20 px 20 px 0; elevation: automobile ;. sp-map-popup. lab-icon thicknes: 100%; clear: both ;p adding: 10 px 0 45 px ;. sp-map-popup. lab-icon-off opacity: 0.3 ;. sp-map-popup. lab-icon img thicknes: 24 px; float: left ;d isplay: inline-block ;p adding-top: 1px ;. sp-map-popup. lab-icon-text color: #e6c2b6; width: 100%; max-width: 240 px; swim: left ;d isplay: inline-block; font-family: Brown Regular, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15 px; font-style: bold; line-height: 1.35 em; letter-spacing: 0.025 em; text-transform: none; text-align: left; padding-left: 22 px ;. sp-map-popup. lab-card-columns border-bottom: 0px solid #f5ede2 ;. sp-map-popup padding-bottom: 60 px ;. sp-map-popup. lab-card-column-label,. sp-map-popup. lab-card-number,. sp-map-popup. lab-card-title,. sp-map-popup colour: #e6c2b6 ;. sp-map-popup. lab-card-columns border-bottom: 3px solid #e6c2b6 ; /* END Popups content& rollover cards */@ media only screen and( min-width: 991 px ). sp-close-button width: 100%; max-width: 970 px . sp-close-container post: specified; widths: 100%; max-width: 500 px; boundary: 0 vehicle; stuffing: 0; crest: 85 px; left: 50%; swim: none; pointer-events: auto; clear: both ;. sp-close-button img margin-top: 0 ;p adding-right: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-top: 0 ; @ media merely screen and( min-width: 961 px ). sp-close-button thicknes: 100%; max-width: 940 px @ media only screen and( max-width: 760.99 px ). sp-cand-card display: pulley-block; thicknes: 100% ;. sp-cand-card: nth-child( even ) showing: block; width: 100% ; @ media only screen and( max-width: 960.99 px ). sp-map-popup-column boundary: 0 auto; border-radius: 0px; perimeter: 0px solid #000; min-height: 0 ;. sp-cand-card: nth-child( even ) presentation: inline-block; thicknes: 280 px ;. sp-cand-card showing: inline-block; width: 280 px ;p adding: 5px 20 px; margin: 0 vehicle; white-space: normal; vertical-align: pinnacle; text-align: middle ;. sp-all-width thicknes: 100%; max-width: 100% ;. sp-cand-row text-align: middle; perimeter: 0 automobile ;. sp-cand-name,. sp-cand-office,. sp-cand-general,. sp-cand-primary-date,. sp-cand-election-date,. sp-cand-district,. sp-election-result text-align: center! important ;. sp-close-container margin: 0; padding: 0; left: 0; thicknes: 100%; float: right ;. sp-close-button max-width: 100% ;. sp-close-button img thicknes: 100%; max-width: 35 px; swim: privilege; margin-top: 20 px; padding-right: 20 px; margin-right: 0 ;. sp-state font-size: 28 px ;. lab-card-title font-size: 20 px ;. lab-card-number font-size: 55 px ;. sp-map-popup. lab-card-columns border-bottom: 3px solid #e6c2b6; border-top: 2px solid #e6c2b6 ;. sp-map-popup. lab-key padding-bottom: 10 px ; /* END Section – Nation ————————————————— *//* Section – Map Container ————————————————— */ #sp-election-hero z-index: 205; point: relative; thicknes: 100%; height: 100%; min-height: 550 px; max-height: 550 px; perimeter: -2 0px auto 0! important; cushion: 0; display: cube; background-color: #f5ede2 ; #sp-election-hero-img z-index: 2301; statu: absolute; thicknes: 100%; altitude: 100%; perimeter: 0 vehicle; cushion: 0; display: pulley-block; pointer-events: none ; #sp-election-hero-overlay z-index: 7777777 0; statu: absolute; width: 100%; altitude: 100%; boundary: 0 automobile; cushion: 0; showing: blocking; opacity: 1; crest: 50 px; text-align: middle ; #sp-election-logo-search z-index: 2210; statu: absolute; width: 100%; max-width: 1800 px; min-height: 58 px; stature: 58 px; margin: -1 2px auto 0! important; cushion: 0; text-align: middle; display: pulley-block; crest: 0 ; #sp-election-subnav z-index: 2211; position: relative; width: 100%; max-width: 600 px; min-height: 58 px; stature: 58 px; perimeter: 78 px vehicle! important; stuffing: 0; text-align: center; presentation: cube ; #sp-election-hero-header z-index: 2221; margin-top: 0px! important; point: absolute; width: 100%; min-height: 750 px; summit: 750 px; perimeter: 0 automobile; stuffing: 0; text-align: center; top: 10% ; #sp-election-hero-arrow z-index: 2230; margin-top: 0px! important; stance: absolute; thicknes: 100%; min-height: 750 px; stature: 750 px; perimeter: 0 vehicle; cushion: 0 ; #sp-election-mini-map z-index: 2240; margin-top: 0px! important; post: absolute; thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1800 px; min-height: 790 px; stature: 790 px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; crest: 45%; text-align: right ;. r29-article cushion: 0! important ; #sp-states-header h1, #sp-states-header h3 font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-weight: 400; word-spacing: normal; letter-spacing: -. 02 em; line-height: 1.3 em; text-transform: none; font-size: 36 px; coloring: #ffdb06; max-width: 520 px ; #sp-states-header h3 font-size: 23 px ;. sp-subnav-container margin-top: 20 px ;. sp-subnav-item font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-size: 11 px; letter-spacing:. 05 em; line-height: 1.3 em; word-spacing: normal; text-transform: uppercase; coloring: #1a1919; text-align: center; showing: inline-block; padding: 15 px 10 px 0 ; #sp-election-hero-header p font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-size: 17 px; letter-spacing:. 05 em; line-height: 1.35 em; word-spacing: normal; width: 600 px; boundary: 0 automobile; text-align: center; padding: 50 px 30 px ;. sp-subnav-item-select span background-color: #1a1919; colouring: #d3d4c9 ;/* border-bottom: 1px solid #ffc6d5; */ cushion: 2px 3px ;. sp-subnav-item span padding: 2px 3px ;. section-container img.sp-header-image boundary: 0 vehicle; text-align: centre; thicknes: 80%; max-width: 1400 px ;. sp-mini-map img thicknes: 100%; max-width: 160 px; padding-right: 50 px ;. sp-r2 9-logo float: left ;. sp-r2 9-logo-svg img thicknes: 100%; max-width: 120 px; padding-top: 17 px; padding-left: 10 px ;. sp-search swim: right ;. sp-search-icon,. sp-menu-icon display: inline ;. sp-inline presentation: inline-block ;. sp-search-icon img thicknes: 100%; max-width: 25 px; vertical-align: middle ;p adding-right: 10 px ;p adding-top: 17 px ;. sp-menu-icon img width: 100%; max-width: 25 px; vertical-align: middle ;p adding-right: 20 px ;p adding-top: 17 px ;. sp-wide presentation: none ;. sp-medium presentation: none ;. sp-small presentation: none ; a.sp-subnav-link, a.sp-subnav-link: connect, a.sp-subnav-link: visited,. sp-subnav-link,. sp-subnav-link: associate,. sp-subnav-link: visited colour: #000; cursor: arrow ; #sp-mobile-menu. sp-subnav-link, #sp-mobile-menu a.sp-subnav-link: relate, #sp-mobile-menu a.sp-subnav-link: inspected, #sp-mobile-menu. sp-subnav-link, #sp-mobile-menu. sp-subnav-link: link, #sp-mobile-menu. sp-subnav-link: visited coloring: #fff; cursor: pointer ; a.sp-subnav-link: levitate,. sp-subnav-link span: hover colouring: #fff; transition: background-color 0.3 s linear; -webkit-transition: background-color 0.3 s linear; -moz-transition: background-color 0.3 s linear ; #sp-mobile-menu a.sp-subnav-link: levitate, #sp-mobile-menu. sp-subnav-link span: hover colouring: #eea4a3; transition: background-color 0.3 s linear; -webkit-transition: background-color 0.3 s linear; -moz-transition: background-color 0.3 s linear ; #sp-election-vert-header. sp-container thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1100 px; summit: 100%; perimeter: 0 vehicle; cushion: 0; text-align: left; display: block; clear: both ; #sp-election-hero-header. sp-container max-width: 1300 px; text-align: left; perimeter: 0 vehicle; padding-top: 0px ; #sp-election-hero-header p width: 80%; max-width: 1300 px; text-align: centre; font-size: 25 px; line-height: 1.25 emmargin: 0 ;p adding: 0 ; #sp-arrow-image position: relative; top: 520 px; z-index: 2260 ;. section-container #sp-arrow-image img perimeter: 0 automobile; stuffing: 20 px; width: 100%; max-width: 60 px ;. sp-wide showing: block! important ;. sp-small showing: none! important ; #sp-mobile-menu z-index: 9999999 99; position: determined; width: 100%; boundary: 0 ;p adding: 0 ;d isplay: none; top: 0; left: 0; background-color: #1a1919 ; #sp-mobile-menu. sp-menu-container width: 90%; boundary: 0 vehicle; stuffing: 20 px ;d isplay: blocking; colouring: #ffffff ;. sp-header-line width: 80%; max-width: 1300 px; summit: 2px; background-color: #1a1919; cushion: 0; boundary: 10 px automobile 15 px ; @media merely screen and( max-width: 960.99 px )# sp-election-hero perimeter: 0 automobile 0! important; min-height: 550 px ;. sp-header-line width: 70%; perimeter: 10 px vehicle 15 px ;. video-container padding-bottom: 160%! important ;. r29-article padding-top: 0! important ; #sp-election-hero-header top: 15% ; #sp-election-hero-header p width: 90%; max-width: 90% ;p adding: 30 px 10 px ;. sp-wide display: none! important ;. sp-small presentation: blocking! important ;. section-container img.sp-header-image thicknes: 90%; max-width: 90% ; #sp-election-hero-header. sp-container max-width: 90%; padding-top: 30 px ; #sp-election-hero-header p width: 100%; max-width: 100%; font-size: 18 px ; #sp-election-subnav presentation: none ; #sp-arrow-image post: relative; top: 450 px ;. section-container #sp-arrow-image img margin: 0 automobile; cushion: 20 px; thicknes: 100%; max-width: 40 px ; #sp-election-logo-search. sp-subnav-item presentation: none ; #sp-election-logo-search. sp-small showing: inline-block! important ; @ media simply screen and( max-width: 1400.99 px) and( min-width: 961 px )# sp-election-hero margin: -2 0px vehicle 0! important; min-height: 550 px ;. sp-wide showing: cube! important ;. sp-small showing: none! important ;. section-container img.sp-header-image thicknes: 96%; max-width: 1320 px ; #sp-election-hero-header /* crest: 10%; */@ media only screen and( min-width: 1401 px ). section-container img.sp-header-image thicknes: 96%; max-width: 1400 px ; #sp-election-hero-header p cushion: 30 px 10 px ;. sp-wide display: block! important ;. sp-small display: none! important ; . sp-clear clear: both ; #sp-sticky-nav z-index: 9999999 98; statu: specified; widths: 100%; altitude: 58 px; boundary: 0 auto! important; padding: 19 px 0 19 px 19 px; display: none; background-color: #1a1919 ;. sp-sticky-nav-container width: 100%; max-width: 100%; text-align: center; overflow: concealed ;. sp-sticky-nav-item font-size: 11 px; color: #fff; cushion: 4px 10 px; showing: inline-block; cursor: arrow ;. sp-sticky-nav-item span /* border-bottom: 1px solid #757575; */ padding-bottom: 2px; font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-size: 11 px; letter-spacing:. 05 em; line-height: 1.3 em; word-spacing: normal; text-transform: uppercase; colour: #fff ;. sp-sticky-slider overflow: auto; white-space: nowrap; cushion: 0; perimeter: 0; scroll-behavior: smooth ;. sp-sticky-rollover span padding: 2px 3px ;. sp-sticky-rollover span: levitate colour: #1a1919; background-color: #df542f ;p adding: 2px 3px ; @media merely screen and( max-width: 960.99 px )# sp-sticky-nav stuffing: 19 px 0 19 px 19 px ; /* State General */. lab-state-basics post: absolute; showing: block; pointer-events: vehicle; cursor: arrow ;. lab-state-basics img thicknes: 100%; max-width: 100%; stature: vehicle; pointer-events: auto; cursor: arrow ;. sp-roll-state,. sp-roll-state-left font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-size: 17 px; letter-spacing:. 025 em; color: #000! important ;p osition: absolute ;p ointer-events: none; background-color: #14293e ;p adding: 6px 20 px; boundary: 0 ;p ointer-events: none; text-align: center ;. sp-roll-state-right font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-size: 17 px; letter-spacing:. 025 em; color: #000! important ;p osition: absolute ;p ointer-events: none; background-color: #14293e ;p adding: 6px 20 px; boundary: 0 ;p ointer-events: none; text-align: centre ;. sp-roll-candidate-count font-size: 10 px; opacity: 0.9 ;d isplay: block; text-align: centre ;. sp-roll-state text-align: middle; margin-left: -9 0px ;. sp-roll-state-east text-align: left; margin-left: 90 px ;. sp-cand-election-date presentation: none! important ;. sp-roll-story font-family: Playfair Display, serif; font-weight: 700; word-spacing: normal; letter-spacing: -. 02 em; line-height: 1.3 em; text-transform: none; font-size: 16 px; color: #333; text-align: left ;p adding: 4px 12 px; background-color: #fff; max-width: 300 px ; #lab-map outlook: absolute; width: 100%; boundary: 0 auto ;p adding: 0 ;/* z-index: 6666660 0; */ text-align: center; background-color: #df542f; top: 90 px ;. map-scrolling-wrapper thicknes: 100%; stature: 900 px; perimeter: 0 vehicle; white-space: auto; overflow-y: hide; overflow-x: hidden ;/* -webkit-overflow-scrolling: none; */ presentation: cube; scroll-behavior: none ;p ointer-events: none; -ms-overflow-style: none; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: none ;. map-scrolling-card outlook: relative; altitude: 600 px; width: 1220 px; perimeter: 0 automobile; pointer-events: none ;. map-object-container width: 1240 px; summit: 600 px; perimeter: 0 vehicle; /* Abortion map */ stuffing: 0; display: inline-block; pointer-events: none; transform: magnitude( 0.8 ); . map-object stance: relative; width: 1240 px; boundary: -6 0px automobile 0 ;p adding: 0 ;d isplay: block ;p ointer-events: none ; :: -webkit-scrollbar presentation: none ; #sp-election-hero-overlay h1 font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-weight: 400; word-spacing: normal; letter-spacing:. 25 em; line-height: 1.3 em; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 48 px; coloring: #000; max-width: 1000 px; text-align: centre; margin: 0 vehicle ;p ointer-events: none ;. lab-clear clear: both ; #map-mobile-quick-nav presentation: none; z-index: 7777888 00; margin-top: 0px; point: set; widths: 100%; elevation: 100 px; perimeter: 0 auto; padding: 0; underside: 0; left: 0 ;. global-footer padding-top: 90 px! important ; /* STORIES */. lab-story-dot position: absolute ;d isplay: blocking ;p ointer-events: automobile; cursor: pointer! important ;. lab-story-dot img thicknes: 100%; border-radius: 100 px; border: 4px solid #eea4a3 ;. lab-story outlook: absolute; background-color: #d3d4c9; colouring: #000; cushion: 15 px; pointer-events: none; display: none; opacity: 0.0; text-align: left; thicknes: 250 px; white-space: normal; border-top: 1px solid #dd5537; border-left: 1px solid #dd5537; border-bottom: 5px solid #dd5537; border-right: 5px solid #dd5537; transform: magnitude( 1.25 ); boundary: -5 0px 0 0 40 px ;. lab-story-label,. lab-story-author font-family: Brown Bold, sans-serif; font-size: 10 px; letter-spacing:. 015 em; line-height: 1.3 em; word-spacing: normal; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: left; padding-bottom: 4px ;. lab-story-label color: #dd5537 ;. lab-story-date font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; color: #878787; font-size: 10 px; letter-spacing:. 015 em ;p adding-top: 3px ;. lab-story-title font-family: Playfair Display, serif; font-weight: 400; word-spacing: normal; letter-spacing: -. 02 em; line-height: 1.0 em; text-transform: none; font-size: 18 px; colour: #000; text-align: left ;p adding-bottom: 4px; thicknes: 100% ;. lab-story-author display: none ;. lab-story-button font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-size: 11 px; letter-spacing:. 035 em; line-height: 1.3 em; word-spacing: normal; text-transform: uppercase; color: #000; background-color: #eea4a3; padding: 5px 8p x; border-radius: 40 px ;d isplay: none; thicknes: auto; margin-top: 5px ;. lab-story-button a pointer-events: none; cursor: none ;. lab-spinner /* Spinner size and coloring */ thicknes: 1.5 rem; altitude: 1.5 rem; border-top-color: #eea4a3; border-left-color: #eea4a3; /* Additional spinner styles */ animation: spinner 400 ms linear infinite; border-bottom-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 50%; box-sizing: border-box; showing: inline-block; vertical-align: middle-of-the-road; -webkit-animation: loaderspin 1s linear 0s infinite normal; margin-bottom: 10 px ; @-webkit-keyframes loaderspin 0 % -webkit-transform: revolve( 360 deg ); 100% -webkit-transform: rotate( 0deg ); # map-loader statu: absolute; top: 280 px; width: 96%; height: 100%; margin: 0 auto; vertical-align: middle; colour: #eea4a3; font-family: Brown Regular, sans-serif; font-size: 12 px; letter-spacing: 0.25 em ; @media only screen and( max-width: 1220.99 px ). map-scrolling-wrapper width: 100%; altitude: 900 px; perimeter: 40 px auto 0; white-space: nowrap; overflow-y: hidden; overflow-x: scroll; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch ;d isplay: cube; scroll-behavior: smooth ; #sp-election-subnav margin-top: 0px! important ; @ media simply screen and( max-width: 960.99 px )/* # map-mobile-quick-nav showing: none ; */. map-scrolling-wrapper pointer-events: automobile; height: 600 px ; #sp-election-hero min-height: 550 px; max-height: 800 px ; #sp-election-hero-overlay h1 font-size: 22 px ;. map-object-container stuffing: 30 px 0 0 0; summit: 500 px ;. lab-story-button display: none ;. lab-story-button a pointer-events: vehicle; cursor: pointer ; #map-loader top: 300 px ; @ media merely screen and( max-device-width: 768 px ). lab-story-button showing: blocking! important ; @ media simply screen and( max-width: 400 px )# sp-election-hero-overlay h1 font-size: 18 px ; /* END Section – Map Container ————————————————— *//* Section – Commonwealth Pos, Coords, Clipping ————————————————— *//* West */ #lab-map-washington crest: 3.6 px; left: 144.866 px; z-index: 6666660 1; width: 145 px; altitude: 105 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 0% 0 %, 0% 67%, 9% 72%, 12% 89%, 20% 94%, 28% 91%, 50% 100%, 92% 100%, 100% 40%, 100% 21%, 47% 0 %, 26% 0 %, 22% 4 %, 18% 11% ); clip-path: polygon( 0% 0 %, 0% 67%, 9% 72%, 12% 89%, 20% 94%, 28% 91%, 50% 100%, 92% 100%, 100% 40%, 100% 21%, 47% 0 %, 26% 0 %, 22% 4 %, 18% 11% ); # lab-map-washington img thicknes: 145 px; summit: 105 px ; #sp-roll-washington pinnacle: 90 px; left: 60 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666660 1 ; #lab-map-oregon top: 71.327 px; left: 105.392 px; z-index: 6666660 2; width: 173 px; height: 143 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 11% 38%, 1% 57%, 0 77%, 73% 100%, 83% 100%, 92% 60%, 89% 57%, 96% 48%, 100% 38%, 100% 31%, 97% 25%, 75% 19%, 62% 19%, 54% 17%, 43% 14%, 38% 14%, 36% 9 %, 34% 1 %, 30% 0 %, 22% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 11% 38%, 1% 57%, 0 77%, 73% 100%, 83% 100%, 92% 60%, 89% 57%, 96% 48%, 100% 38%, 100% 31%, 97% 25%, 75% 19%, 62% 19%, 54% 17%, 43% 14%, 38% 14%, 36% 9 %, 34% 1 %, 30% 0 %, 22% 0 %);# lab-map-oregon img thicknes: 173 px; summit: 143 px ; #sp-roll-oregon crest: 160 px; left: 10 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666660 2 ; #lab-map-california top: 179.196 px; left: 90.334 px; z-index: 6666660 3; thicknes: 172 px; height: 295 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 9% 0 %, 0% 11%, 0% 18%, 3% 21%, 0 28%, 5% 34%, 5% 39%, 8% 55%, 18% 73%, 22% 81%, 38% 83%, 39% 95%, 61% 100%, 93% 100%, 94% 94%, 100% 88%, 100% 82%, 46% 35%, 58% 7 %, 12% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 9% 0 %, 0% 11%, 0% 18%, 3% 21%, 0 28%, 5% 34%, 5% 39%, 8% 55%, 18% 73%, 22% 81%, 38% 83%, 39% 95%, 61% 100%, 93% 100%, 94% 94%, 100% 88%, 100% 82%, 46% 35%, 58% 7 %, 12% 0 ); # lab-map-california img width: 172 px; summit: 295 px ; #sp-roll-california top: 70 px; left: 280 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666660 3 ; #lab-map-nevada crest: 202.276 px; left: 168 px; z-index: 6666660 4; width: 137 px; stature: 211 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 13% 0 %, 0 31%, 0 40%, 62% 100%, 70% 100%, 70% 91%, 80% 91%, 83% 78%, 100% 20%, 100% 11%, 23% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 13% 0 %, 0 31%, 0 40%, 62% 100%, 70% 100%, 70% 91%, 80% 91%, 83% 78%, 100% 20%, 100% 11%, 23% 0 ); # lab-map-nevada img thicknes: 137 px; altitude: 211 px ; #sp-roll-nevada pinnacle: 290 px; left: 120 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666660 4 ; #lab-map-utah pinnacle: 227.8 px; left: 279.999 px; z-index: 6666660 5; width: 119 px; elevation: 151 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 21% 0, 0 85%, 0 89%, 80% 100%, 90% 100%, 100% 39%, 100% 29%, 68% 26%, 72% 7 %, 25% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 21% 0, 0 85%, 0 89%, 80% 100%, 90% 100%, 100% 39%, 100% 29%, 68% 26%, 72% 7 %, 25% 0 ); # lab-map-utah img thicknes: 119 px; elevation: 151 px ; #sp-roll-utah pinnacle: 280 px; left: 240 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666660 5 ; #lab-map-idaho crest: 30.4 px; left: 246.99 px; z-index: 6666660 6; width: 128 px; stature: 207 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 31% 0 %, 18% 36%, 20% 41%, 23% 44%, 9% 56%, 6% 61%, 10% 62%, 0 86%, 0 90%, 86% 100%, 92% 100%, 100% 71%, 100% 67%, 96% 63%, 90% 66%, 73% 64%, 72% 61%, 66% 58%, 64% 47%, 57% 49%, 55% 46%, 61% 35%, 54% 32%, 49% 24%, 42% 14%, 48% 1 %, 40% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 31% 0 %, 18% 36%, 20% 41%, 23% 44%, 9% 56%, 6% 61%, 10% 62%, 0 86%, 0 90%, 86% 100%, 92% 100%, 100% 71%, 100% 67%, 96% 63%, 90% 66%, 73% 64%, 72% 61%, 66% 58%, 64% 47%, 57% 49%, 55% 46%, 61% 35%, 54% 32%, 49% 24%, 42% 14%, 48% 1 %, 40% 0 %);# lab-map-idaho img width: 128 px; stature: 207 px ; #sp-roll-idaho top: 100 px; left: 205 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666660 6 ; #lab-map-arizona crest: 361.735 px; left: 239.426 px; z-index: 6666660 7; width: 146 px; stature: 171 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 27% 0, 23% 14%, 16% 11%, 13% 14%, 11% 32%, 15% 43%, 9% 46%, 7% 53%, 3% 55%, 2% 63%, 6% 64%, 0% 66%, 0 70%, 53% 97%, 68% 99%, 78% 100%, 86% 100%, 100% 15%, 100% 10%, 32% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 27% 0, 23% 14%, 16% 11%, 13% 14%, 11% 32%, 15% 43%, 9% 46%, 7% 53%, 3% 55%, 2% 63%, 6% 64%, 0% 66%, 0 70%, 53% 97%, 68% 99%, 78% 100%, 86% 100%, 100% 15%, 100% 10%, 32% 0 ); # lab-map-arizona img width: 146 px; stature: 171 px ; #sp-roll-arizona top: 520 px; left: 240 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666660 7 ; #lab-map-alaska top: 479.848 px; left: 3.478 px; z-index: 6666660 8; thicknes: 259 px; stature: 192 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 48% 0 %, 37% 2 %, 30% 10%, 13% 28%, 4% 45%, 31% 75%, 0% 88%, 0% 94%, 42% 91%, 62% 69%, 78% 77%, 91% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 90%, 85% 69%, 80% 70%, 73% 65%, 73% 12%, 58% 4 %, 53% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 48% 0 %, 37% 2 %, 30% 10%, 13% 28%, 4% 45%, 31% 75%, 0% 88%, 0% 94%, 42% 91%, 62% 69%, 78% 77%, 91% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 90%, 85% 69%, 80% 70%, 73% 65%, 73% 12%, 58% 4 %, 53% 0 %);# lab-map-alaska img thicknes: 259 px; altitude: 192 px ; #sp-roll-alaska crest: 220 px; left: 20 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666660 8 ; #lab-map-hawaii pinnacle: 574.203 px; left: 277.81 px; z-index: 6666660 9; width: 151.5 px; stature: 96.7 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 7% 3 %, 0% 6 %, 0% 16%, 7% 13%, 26% 14%, 39% 32%, 54% 38%, 58% 50%, 65% 49%, 76% 59%, 74% 80%, 78% 96%, 81% 100%, 87% 100%, 100% 88%, 100% 77%, 90% 62%, 79% 54%, 81% 43%, 66% 30%, 51% 25%, 41% 11%, 32% 14%, 21% 7 %, 19% 0 %, 11% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 7% 3 %, 0% 6 %, 0% 16%, 7% 13%, 26% 14%, 39% 32%, 54% 38%, 58% 50%, 65% 49%, 76% 59%, 74% 80%, 78% 96%, 81% 100%, 87% 100%, 100% 88%, 100% 77%, 90% 62%, 79% 54%, 81% 43%, 66% 30%, 51% 25%, 41% 11%, 32% 14%, 21% 7 %, 19% 0 %, 11% 0 %);# lab-map-hawaii img thicknes: 151.5 px; summit: 96.7 px ; #sp-roll-hawaii pinnacle: 660 px; left: 260 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666660 9 ; #lab-map-montana top: 33.5 px; left: 301.26 px; z-index: 6666661 0; width: 219 px; stature: 140 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 2% 0 %, 0 15%, 0 18%, 1% 33%, 10% 52%, 6% 68%, 8% 73%, 12% 70%, 13% 84%, 16% 89%, 17% 97%, 21% 96%, 25% 96%, 32% 97%, 34% 99%, 36% 89%, 94% 100%, 96% 100%, 100% 32%, 100% 22%, 4% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 2% 0 %, 0 15%, 0 18%, 1% 33%, 10% 52%, 6% 68%, 8% 73%, 12% 70%, 13% 84%, 16% 89%, 17% 97%, 21% 96%, 25% 96%, 32% 97%, 34% 99%, 36% 89%, 94% 100%, 96% 100%, 100% 32%, 100% 22%, 4% 0 ); # lab-map-montana img width: 219 px; elevation: 140 px ; #sp-roll-montana pinnacle: 100 px; left: 255 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666661 0 ; #lab-map-wyoming top: 157.597 px; left: 360.9 px; z-index: 6666661 1; width: 150 px; height: 125 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 11% 0, 0 85%, 0 88%, 92% 100%, 95% 100%, 100% 18%, 100% 13%, 14% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 11% 0, 0 85%, 0 88%, 92% 100%, 95% 100%, 100% 18%, 100% 13%, 14% 0 ); # lab-map-wyoming img width: 150 px; height: 125 px ; #sp-roll-wyoming top: 190 px; left: 330 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666661 1 ; #lab-map-colorado top: 272 px; left: 386 px; z-index: 6666661 2; thicknes: 156 px; stature: 122 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon (8% 0, 7% 19%, 0 84%, 0 88%, 57% 97%, 93% 100%, 96% 100%, 98% 61%, 100% 18%, 100% 12%, 56% 6 %, 12% 0 ); clip-path: polygon (8% 0, 7% 19%, 0 84%, 0 88%, 57% 97%, 93% 100%, 96% 100%, 98% 61%, 100% 18%, 100% 12%, 56% 6 %, 12% 0 ); # lab-map-colorado img width: 156 px; summit: 122 px ; #sp-roll-colorado pinnacle: 262 px; left: 320 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666661 2 ; #lab-map-new-mexico crest: 379.877 px; left: 364.945 px; z-index: 6666661 3; width: 150 px; elevation: 156 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 14% 0, 0 96%, 0% 99%, 10% 100%, 14% 100%, 14% 93%, 39% 96%, 38% 91%, 66% 94%, 92% 95%, 98% 19%, 100% 16%, 100% 8 %, 74% 6 %, 17% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 14% 0, 0 96%, 0% 99%, 10% 100%, 14% 100%, 14% 93%, 39% 96%, 38% 91%, 66% 94%, 92% 95%, 98% 19%, 100% 16%, 100% 8 %, 74% 6 %, 17% 0 ); # lab-map-new-mexico img thicknes: 150 px; elevation: 156 px ; #sp-roll-new-mexico top: 490 px; left: 320 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666661 3 ; /* Midwest */# lab-map-north-dakota top: 66.439 px; left: 514.036 px; z-index: 6666661 4; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 4% 0, 0 88%, 0 93%, 52% 98%, 91% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 94%, 98% 76%, 96% 44%, 93% 35%, 94% 15%, 92% 5 %, 7% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 4% 0, 0 88%, 0 93%, 52% 98%, 91% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 94%, 98% 76%, 96% 44%, 93% 35%, 94% 15%, 92% 5 %, 7% 0 ); # lab-map-north-dakota img thicknes: 141 px; summit: 88 px ; #sp-roll-north-dakota pinnacle: 90 px; left: 550 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666661 4 ; #lab-map-south-dakota top: 148 px; left: 508 px; z-index: 6666661 5; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 3% 0, 0 70%, 0 80%, 63% 86%, 72% 85%, 79% 93%, 86% 90%, 94% 95%, 96% 100%, 100% 100%, 98% 95%, 100% 81%, 98% 74%, 100% 72%, 100% 24%, 96% 16%, 99% 10%, 98% 6 %, 7% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 3% 0, 0 70%, 0 80%, 63% 86%, 72% 85%, 79% 93%, 86% 90%, 94% 95%, 96% 100%, 100% 100%, 98% 95%, 100% 81%, 98% 74%, 100% 72%, 100% 24%, 96% 16%, 99% 10%, 98% 6 %, 7% 0 ); # lab-map-south-dakota img thicknes: 150 px; height: 100 px ; #sp-roll-south-dakota top: 170 px; left: 560 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666661 5 ; #lab-map-nebraska top: 228.194 px; left: 502.682 px; z-index: 6666661 6; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 3% 0, 0% 55%, 0% 62%, 23% 67%, 22% 96%, 41% 98%, 65% 99%, 100% 100%, 100% 99%, 97% 90%, 97% 86%, 95% 76%, 94% 57%, 92% 47%, 88% 22%, 86% 22%, 85% 16%, 77% 10%, 70% 13%, 65% 4 %, 58% 5 %, 7% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 3% 0, 0% 55%, 0% 62%, 23% 67%, 22% 96%, 41% 98%, 65% 99%, 100% 100%, 100% 99%, 97% 90%, 97% 86%, 95% 76%, 94% 57%, 92% 47%, 88% 22%, 86% 22%, 85% 16%, 77% 10%, 70% 13%, 65% 4 %, 58% 5 %, 7% 0 %);# lab-map-nebraska img thicknes: 175 px; stature: 88 px ; #sp-roll-nebraska pinnacle: 250 px; left: 530 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666661 6 ; #lab-map-kansas crest: 313.477 px; left: 536.499 px; z-index: 6666661 7; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 3% 0 %, 0 89%, 0% 95%, 52% 99%, 91% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 50%, 100% 33%, 94% 19%, 96% 14%, 96% 11%, 93% 8 %, 89% 3 %, 57% 3 %, 6% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 3% 0 %, 0 89%, 0% 95%, 52% 99%, 91% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 50%, 100% 33%, 94% 19%, 96% 14%, 96% 11%, 93% 8 %, 89% 3 %, 57% 3 %, 6% 0 %);# lab-map-kansas img width: 159 px; altitude: 85 px ; #sp-roll-kansas crest: 350 px; left: 600 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666661 7 ; #lab-map-oklahoma crest: 393.7 px; left: 514.777 px; z-index: 6966661 8; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 0% 0 %, 0% 14%, 36% 17%, 34% 72%, 38% 79%, 42% 80%, 44% 83%, 49% 85%, 52% 88%, 55% 86%, 58% 94%, 60% 95%, 62% 92%, 65% 96%, 69% 97%, 71% 94%, 79% 99%, 81% 95%, 92% 94%, 99% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 51%, 99% 37%, 99% 27%, 98% 18%, 98% 5 %, 59% 4 %, 3% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 0% 0 %, 0% 14%, 36% 17%, 34% 72%, 38% 79%, 42% 80%, 44% 83%, 49% 85%, 52% 88%, 55% 86%, 58% 94%, 60% 95%, 62% 92%, 65% 96%, 69% 97%, 71% 94%, 79% 99%, 81% 95%, 92% 94%, 99% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 51%, 99% 37%, 99% 27%, 98% 18%, 98% 5 %, 59% 4 %, 3% 0 %);# lab-map-oklahoma img thicknes: 185 px; summit: 98 px ; #sp-roll-oklahoma top: 410 px; left: 570 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9966661 8 ; #lab-map-minnesota pinnacle: 61.823 px; left: 644.245 px; z-index: 6666661 9; width: 142 px; altitude: 158 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 0 6 %, 0 7 %, 1% 11%, 1% 24%, 3% 29%, 7% 55%, 7% 61%, 4% 64%, 5% 67%, 9% 70%, 10% 100%, 82% 99%, 81% 93%, 71% 85%, 65% 81%, 62% 80%, 60% 77%, 60% 71%, 61% 66%, 58% 63%, 66% 55%, 65% 46%, 77% 37%, 83% 31%, 100% 23%, 100% 20%, 82% 17%, 74% 21%, 67% 15%, 64% 16%, 53% 11%, 46% 13%, 39% 11%, 34% 11%, 31% 0, 26% 0, 26% 6 %); clip-path: polygon( 0 6 %, 0 7 %, 1% 11%, 1% 24%, 3% 29%, 7% 55%, 7% 61%, 4% 64%, 5% 67%, 9% 70%, 10% 100%, 82% 99%, 81% 93%, 71% 85%, 65% 81%, 62% 80%, 60% 77%, 60% 71%, 61% 66%, 58% 63%, 66% 55%, 65% 46%, 77% 37%, 83% 31%, 100% 23%, 100% 20%, 82% 17%, 74% 21%, 67% 15%, 64% 16%, 53% 11%, 46% 13%, 39% 11%, 34% 11%, 31% 0, 26% 0, 26% 6 %);# lab-map-minnesota img thicknes: 142 px; altitude: 158 px ; #sp-roll-minnesota top: 90 px; left: 635 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666661 9 ; #lab-map-iowa crest: 219.061 px; left: 654.489 px; z-index: 6666662 0; width: 129 px; altitude: 85 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 0 1 %, 0 5 %, 0% 11%, 2% 14%, 0% 26%, 2% 35%, 6% 58%, 8% 67%, 13% 96%, 77% 94%, 81% 100%, 83% 99%, 84% 93%, 87% 91%, 87% 85%, 89% 83%, 89% 77%, 86% 73%, 89% 67%, 96% 63%, 98% 58%, 100% 46%, 96% 38%, 92% 28%, 86% 24%, 83% 16%, 85% 9 %, 82% 0, 77% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 0 1 %, 0 5 %, 0% 11%, 2% 14%, 0% 26%, 2% 35%, 6% 58%, 8% 67%, 13% 96%, 77% 94%, 81% 100%, 83% 99%, 84% 93%, 87% 91%, 87% 85%, 89% 83%, 89% 77%, 86% 73%, 89% 67%, 96% 63%, 98% 58%, 100% 46%, 96% 38%, 92% 28%, 86% 24%, 83% 16%, 85% 9 %, 82% 0, 77% 0 ); # lab-map-iowa img thicknes: 129 px; altitude: 85 px ; #sp-roll-iowa top: 240 px; left: 640 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666662 0 ; #lab-map-missouri pinnacle: 297.803 px; left: 672.138 px; z-index: 6666662 1; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 0% 2 %, 0% 5 %, 0% 7 %, 7% 17%, 11% 20%, 9% 26%, 15% 35%, 17% 46%, 16% 88%, 16% 91%, 85% 89%, 87% 93%, 83% 98%, 84% 100%, 90% 100%, 93% 99%, 95% 88%, 100% 83%, 100% 76%, 97% 76%, 95% 72%, 95% 67%, 92% 60%, 86% 58%, 80% 50%, 83% 37%, 81% 36%, 75% 35%, 74% 30%, 64% 19%, 61% 9 %, 62% 5 %, 58% 0, 57% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 0% 2 %, 0% 5 %, 0% 7 %, 7% 17%, 11% 20%, 9% 26%, 15% 35%, 17% 46%, 16% 88%, 16% 91%, 85% 89%, 87% 93%, 83% 98%, 84% 100%, 90% 100%, 93% 99%, 95% 88%, 100% 83%, 100% 76%, 97% 76%, 95% 72%, 95% 67%, 92% 60%, 86% 58%, 80% 50%, 83% 37%, 81% 36%, 75% 35%, 74% 30%, 64% 19%, 61% 9 %, 62% 5 %, 58% 0, 57% 0 ); # lab-map-missouri img width: 142 px; altitude: 125 px ; #sp-roll-missouri top: 360 px; left: 750 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666662 1 ; #lab-map-wisconsin pinnacle: 124.768 px; left: 726.442 px; z-index: 6966662 2; thicknes: 113 px; summit: 119 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 31% 0, 17% 6 %, 11% 5 %, 9% 8 %, 9% 19%, 1% 25%, 0% 32%, 2% 37%, 1% 41%, 2% 51%, 6% 56%, 8% 56%, 12% 59%, 15% 60%, 19% 65%, 28% 71%, 31% 93%, 34% 98%, 39% 99%, 40% 100%, 63% 100%, 93% 97%, 92% 94%, 89% 79%, 93% 71%, 92% 64%, 95% 55%, 95% 50%, 100% 37%, 100% 31%, 85% 49%, 92% 37%, 88% 33%, 86% 24%, 81% 20%, 46% 13%, 41% 6 %, 33% 6 %, 36% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 31% 0, 17% 6 %, 11% 5 %, 9% 8 %, 9% 19%, 1% 25%, 0% 32%, 2% 37%, 1% 41%, 2% 51%, 6% 56%, 8% 56%, 12% 59%, 15% 60%, 19% 65%, 28% 71%, 31% 93%, 34% 98%, 39% 99%, 40% 100%, 63% 100%, 93% 97%, 92% 94%, 89% 79%, 93% 71%, 92% 64%, 95% 55%, 95% 50%, 100% 37%, 100% 31%, 85% 49%, 92% 37%, 88% 33%, 86% 24%, 81% 20%, 46% 13%, 41% 6 %, 33% 6 %, 36% 0 ); # lab-map-wisconsin img thicknes: 113 px; height: 119 px ; #sp-roll-wisconsin top: 140 px; left: 630 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9966662 2 ; #lab-map-illinois pinnacle: 241.03 px; left: 759.272 px; z-index: 6666662 3; width: 85 px; summit: 153 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon (8 2% 0 %, 37% 2 %, 15% 2 %, 16% 4 %, 28% 11%, 22% 20%, 10% 22%, 8% 26%, 11% 31%, 0 40%, 0% 48%, 3% 53%, 20% 62%, 22% 67%, 36% 68%, 30% 78%, 34% 82%, 49% 87%, 55% 93%, 54% 96%, 59% 100%, 64% 100%, 70% 96%, 83% 99%, 81% 92%, 91% 90%, 89% 87%, 91% 83%, 91% 78%, 100% 69%, 100% 62%, 92% 13%, 85% 3 %, 85% 0 ); clip-path: polygon (8 2% 0 %, 37% 2 %, 15% 2 %, 16% 4 %, 28% 11%, 22% 20%, 10% 22%, 8% 26%, 11% 31%, 0 40%, 0% 48%, 3% 53%, 20% 62%, 22% 67%, 36% 68%, 30% 78%, 34% 82%, 49% 87%, 55% 93%, 54% 96%, 59% 100%, 64% 100%, 70% 96%, 83% 99%, 81% 92%, 91% 90%, 89% 87%, 91% 83%, 91% 78%, 100% 69%, 100% 62%, 92% 13%, 85% 3 %, 85% 0 ); # lab-map-illinois img width: 85 px; stature: 153 px ; #sp-roll-illinois top: 221 px; left: 709 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666662 3 ; #lab-map-indiana pinnacle: 255.963 px; left: 835.533 px; z-index: 6666662 4; thicknes: 64 px; height: 112 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon (8 1% 0 %, 21% 3 %, 13% 7 %, 2% 5 %, 9% 60%, 7% 65%, 8% 71%, 12% 75%, 12% 80%, 0 92%, 0 100%, 8% 99%, 23% 98%, 28% 100%, 33% 100%, 38% 97%, 45% 99%, 50% 98%, 50% 95%, 57% 93%, 62% 94%, 68% 94%, 69% 87%, 83% 80%, 84% 76%, 91% 75%, 100% 72%, 99% 64%, 86% 0 ); clip-path: polygon (8 1% 0 %, 21% 3 %, 13% 7 %, 2% 5 %, 9% 60%, 7% 65%, 8% 71%, 12% 75%, 12% 80%, 0 92%, 0 100%, 8% 99%, 23% 98%, 28% 100%, 33% 100%, 38% 97%, 45% 99%, 50% 98%, 50% 95%, 57% 93%, 62% 94%, 68% 94%, 69% 87%, 83% 80%, 84% 76%, 91% 75%, 100% 72%, 99% 64%, 86% 0 ); # lab-map-indiana img thicknes: 64 px; elevation: 112 px ; #sp-roll-indiana pinnacle: 320 px; left: 750 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666662 4 ; #lab-map-michigan pinnacle: 88.729 px; left: 773.466 px; z-index: 6666662 5; width: 162 px; altitude: 170 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 17% 0 %, 10% 5 %, 12% 20%, 0 25%, 0 27%, 3% 31%, 26% 36%, 31% 40%, 32% 46%, 35% 48%, 39% 39%, 62% 34%, 51% 49%, 49% 60%, 48% 72%, 54% 84%, 48% 100%, 72% 98%, 74% 99%, 90% 97%, 95% 90%, 97% 83%, 100% 81%, 100% 74%, 96% 61%, 86% 54%, 85% 41%, 78% 36%, 70% 32%, 82% 31%, 82% 27%, 63% 17%, 41% 23%, 34% 23%, 27% 17%, 30% 11%, 26% 8 %, 22% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 17% 0 %, 10% 5 %, 12% 20%, 0 25%, 0 27%, 3% 31%, 26% 36%, 31% 40%, 32% 46%, 35% 48%, 39% 39%, 62% 34%, 51% 49%, 49% 60%, 48% 72%, 54% 84%, 48% 100%, 72% 98%, 74% 99%, 90% 97%, 95% 90%, 97% 83%, 100% 81%, 100% 74%, 96% 61%, 86% 54%, 85% 41%, 78% 36%, 70% 32%, 82% 31%, 82% 27%, 63% 17%, 41% 23%, 34% 23%, 27% 17%, 30% 11%, 26% 8 %, 22% 0 %);# lab-map-michigan img thicknes: 162 px; altitude: 170 px ; #sp-roll-michigan crest: 110 px; left: 890 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666662 5 ; #lab-map-ohio pinnacle: 237.697 px; left: 892.319 px; z-index: 6666662 6; width: 90 px; altitude: 102 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 0% 23%, 8% 89%, 14% 88%, 20% 89%, 24% 95%, 31% 95%, 34% 98%, 38% 98%, 43% 96%, 47% 98%, 54% 94%, 56% 97%, 64% 100%, 69% 98%, 71% 93%, 72% 84%, 78% 86%, 81% 84%, 79% 77%, 84% 71%, 88% 72%, 98% 61%, 98% 41%, 98% 38%, 100% 34%, 93% 0, 80% 5 %, 69% 16%, 61% 17%, 51% 21%, 46% 17%, 38% 18%, 32% 14%, 0 19% ); clip-path: polygon( 0% 23%, 8% 89%, 14% 88%, 20% 89%, 24% 95%, 31% 95%, 34% 98%, 38% 98%, 43% 96%, 47% 98%, 54% 94%, 56% 97%, 64% 100%, 69% 98%, 71% 93%, 72% 84%, 78% 86%, 81% 84%, 79% 77%, 84% 71%, 88% 72%, 98% 61%, 98% 41%, 98% 38%, 100% 34%, 93% 0, 80% 5 %, 69% 16%, 61% 17%, 51% 21%, 46% 17%, 38% 18%, 32% 14%, 0 19% ); # lab-map-ohio img width: 90 px; elevation: 102 px ; #sp-roll-ohio pinnacle: 240 px; left: 785 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666662 6 ; /* South */# lab-map-texas top: 408.017 px; left: 421.5 px; z-index: 6666662 7; width: 301 px; summit: 294 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 30% 0 %, 27% 41%, 0 38%, 0% 41%, 3% 45%, 9% 52%, 13% 57%, 13% 62%, 21% 69%, 25% 70%, 30% 63%, 41% 67%, 46% 78%, 51% 84%, 55% 95%, 67% 100%, 72% 100%, 72% 98%, 73% 84%, 85% 74%, 93% 68%, 98% 66%, 100% 53%, 100% 50%, 97% 43%, 96% 29%, 87% 25%, 80% 26%, 78% 27%, 74% 25%, 72% 26%, 70% 25%, 67% 25%, 64% 23%, 62% 23%, 58% 22%, 58% 20%, 54% 21%, 52% 19%, 53% 1 %, 33% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 30% 0 %, 27% 41%, 0 38%, 0% 41%, 3% 45%, 9% 52%, 13% 57%, 13% 62%, 21% 69%, 25% 70%, 30% 63%, 41% 67%, 46% 78%, 51% 84%, 55% 95%, 67% 100%, 72% 100%, 72% 98%, 73% 84%, 85% 74%, 93% 68%, 98% 66%, 100% 53%, 100% 50%, 97% 43%, 96% 29%, 87% 25%, 80% 26%, 78% 27%, 74% 25%, 72% 26%, 70% 25%, 67% 25%, 64% 23%, 62% 23%, 58% 22%, 58% 20%, 54% 21%, 52% 19%, 53% 1 %, 33% 0 ); # lab-map-texas img thicknes: 301 px; stature: 294 px ; #sp-roll-texas top: 610 px; left: 520 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666662 7 ; #lab-map-louisiana crest: 506.136 px; left: 710.644 px; z-index: 6666662 8; width: 122 px; summit: 108 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 0% 1 %, 0% 17%, 1% 28%, 4% 38%, 9% 45%, 9% 58%, 5% 64%, 7% 68%, 4% 83%, 5% 87%, 10% 85%, 18% 85%, 29% 89%, 36% 91%, 53% 92%, 56% 97%, 66% 100%, 79% 100%, 85% 93%, 100% 100%, 100% 92%, 91% 84%, 95% 76%, 92% 70%, 88% 70%, 86% 63%, 82% 58%, 83% 49%, 47% 51%, 48% 39%, 57% 23%, 57% 16%, 53% 0, 50% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 0% 1 %, 0% 17%, 1% 28%, 4% 38%, 9% 45%, 9% 58%, 5% 64%, 7% 68%, 4% 83%, 5% 87%, 10% 85%, 18% 85%, 29% 89%, 36% 91%, 53% 92%, 56% 97%, 66% 100%, 79% 100%, 85% 93%, 100% 100%, 100% 92%, 91% 84%, 95% 76%, 92% 70%, 88% 70%, 86% 63%, 82% 58%, 83% 49%, 47% 51%, 48% 39%, 57% 23%, 57% 16%, 53% 0, 50% 0 %);# lab-map-louisiana img thicknes: 122 px; altitude: 108 px ; #sp-roll-louisiana top: 590 px; left: 610 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666662 8 ; #lab-map-arkansas crest: 409.375 px; left: 696.205 px; z-index: 6666662 9; width: 107 px; altitude: 97 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 0% 4 %, 1% 12%, 1% 22%, 3% 37%, 3% 85%, 6% 88%, 11% 87%, 13% 100%, 74% 99%, 75% 96%, 75% 80%, 76% 73%, 79% 69%, 80% 63%, 85% 58%, 85% 53%, 88% 48%, 91% 45%, 92% 41%, 94% 38%, 94% 33%, 93% 29%, 97% 26%, 100% 12%, 95% 13%, 89% 12%, 94% 7 %, 94% 3 %, 91% 0 %, 85% 0, 0 2 %); clip-path: polygon( 0% 4 %, 1% 12%, 1% 22%, 3% 37%, 3% 85%, 6% 88%, 11% 87%, 13% 100%, 74% 99%, 75% 96%, 75% 80%, 76% 73%, 79% 69%, 80% 63%, 85% 58%, 85% 53%, 88% 48%, 91% 45%, 92% 41%, 94% 38%, 94% 33%, 93% 29%, 97% 26%, 100% 12%, 95% 13%, 89% 12%, 94% 7 %, 94% 3 %, 91% 0 %, 85% 0, 0 2 %);# lab-map-arkansas img thicknes: 107 px; stature: 97 px ; #sp-roll-arkansas crest: 430 px; left: 630 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666662 9 ; #lab-map-mississippi pinnacle: 446.771 px; left: 768.282 px; z-index: 6666663 0; width: 76 px; summit: 134 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 92% 0, 55% 1 %, 33% 2 %, 31% 5 %, 27% 6 %, 22% 11%, 23% 14%, 18% 16%, 13% 20%, 14% 22%, 10% 25%, 7% 33%, 9% 39%, 9% 42%, 8% 45%, 9% 51%, 14% 58%, 12% 61%, 11% 64%, 0 77%, 0 86%, 56% 84%, 55% 91%, 60% 95%, 65% 100%, 67% 100%, 72% 97%, 86% 95%, 100% 97%, 100% 92%, 94% 63%, 95% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 92% 0, 55% 1 %, 33% 2 %, 31% 5 %, 27% 6 %, 22% 11%, 23% 14%, 18% 16%, 13% 20%, 14% 22%, 10% 25%, 7% 33%, 9% 39%, 9% 42%, 8% 45%, 9% 51%, 14% 58%, 12% 61%, 11% 64%, 0 77%, 0 86%, 56% 84%, 55% 91%, 60% 95%, 65% 100%, 67% 100%, 72% 97%, 86% 95%, 100% 97%, 100% 92%, 94% 63%, 95% 0 ); # lab-map-mississippi img thicknes: 76 px; height: 134 px ; #sp-roll-mississippi top: 545 px; left: 720 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666663 0 ; #lab-map-alabama top: 441.958 px; left: 839.4 px; z-index: 6666663 1; width: 81 px; summit: 134 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 65% 0, 1% 3 %, 0 65%, 0% 69%, 6% 98%, 13% 99%, 18% 92%, 22% 97%, 18% 100%, 25% 100%, 34% 98%, 34% 91%, 28% 87%, 28% 84%, 92% 80%, 100% 80%, 100% 76%, 98% 75%, 98% 69%, 95% 64%, 100% 55%, 99% 52%, 96% 48%, 91% 45%, 77% 13%, 72% 6 %, 70% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 65% 0, 1% 3 %, 0 65%, 0% 69%, 6% 98%, 13% 99%, 18% 92%, 22% 97%, 18% 100%, 25% 100%, 34% 98%, 34% 91%, 28% 87%, 28% 84%, 92% 80%, 100% 80%, 100% 76%, 98% 75%, 98% 69%, 95% 64%, 100% 55%, 99% 52%, 96% 48%, 91% 45%, 77% 13%, 72% 6 %, 70% 0 ); # lab-map-alabama img width: 81 px; altitude: 134 px ; #sp-roll-alabama pinnacle: 510 px; left: 905 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666663 1 ; #lab-map-georgia top: 435.663 px; left: 897.133 px; z-index: 6666663 2; thicknes: 116 px; stature: 121 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 43% 0, 0 5 %, 0 12%, 4% 21%, 13% 55%, 16% 61%, 19% 65%, 16% 74%, 17% 88%, 24% 99%, 35% 100%, 78% 97%, 78% 100%, 83% 100%, 83% 96%, 82% 91%, 94% 91%, 94% 84%, 98% 69%, 100% 61%, 99% 57%, 97% 58%, 93% 52%, 87% 48%, 83% 37%, 77% 34%, 74% 30%, 70% 27%, 67% 24%, 60% 21%, 53% 10%, 48% 9 %, 43% 5 %, 47% 2 %, 46% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 43% 0, 0 5 %, 0 12%, 4% 21%, 13% 55%, 16% 61%, 19% 65%, 16% 74%, 17% 88%, 24% 99%, 35% 100%, 78% 97%, 78% 100%, 83% 100%, 83% 96%, 82% 91%, 94% 91%, 94% 84%, 98% 69%, 100% 61%, 99% 57%, 97% 58%, 93% 52%, 87% 48%, 83% 37%, 77% 34%, 74% 30%, 70% 27%, 67% 24%, 60% 21%, 53% 10%, 48% 9 %, 43% 5 %, 47% 2 %, 46% 0 %);# lab-map-georgia img width: 116 px; summit: 121 px ; #sp-roll-georgia pinnacle: 510 px; left: 1080 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666663 2 ; #lab-map-florida top: 545.137 px; left: 861.341 px; z-index: 6666663 3; width: 197 px; summit: 166 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 0 5 %, 0 9 %, 2% 11%, 2% 18%, 16% 15%, 29% 24%, 34% 25%, 45% 17%, 55% 28%, 61% 34%, 60% 44%, 63% 55%, 72% 73%, 88% 90%, 78% 100%, 84% 100%, 96% 95%, 100% 88%, 100% 62%, 90% 37%, 91% 33%, 83% 22%, 75% 0 %, 64% 0 %, 66% 5 %, 63% 4 %, 40% 6 %, 33% 6 %, 31% 2 %, 24% 2 %); clip-path: polygon( 0 5 %, 0 9 %, 2% 11%, 2% 18%, 16% 15%, 29% 24%, 34% 25%, 45% 17%, 55% 28%, 61% 34%, 60% 44%, 63% 55%, 72% 73%, 88% 90%, 78% 100%, 84% 100%, 96% 95%, 100% 88%, 100% 62%, 90% 37%, 91% 33%, 83% 22%, 75% 0 %, 64% 0 %, 66% 5 %, 63% 4 %, 40% 6 %, 33% 6 %, 31% 2 %, 24% 2 %);# lab-map-florida img width: 197 px; elevation: 166 px ; #sp-roll-florida top: 630 px; left: 980 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666663 3 ; #lab-map-south-carolina pinnacle: 424.803 px; left: 946.871 px; z-index: 6666663 4; width: 109 px; height: 83 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 20% 1 %, 2% 13%, 2% 15%, 0% 18%, 0% 23%, 6% 29%, 10% 28%, 17% 44%, 22% 48%, 29% 56%, 33% 60%, 37% 68%, 42% 70%, 47% 86%, 52% 90%, 54% 98%, 59% 100%, 70% 87%, 92% 56%, 96% 39%, 100% 28%, 89% 16%, 77% 7 %, 72% 3 %, 52% 7 %, 50% 2 %, 48% 0 %, 27% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 20% 1 %, 2% 13%, 2% 15%, 0% 18%, 0% 23%, 6% 29%, 10% 28%, 17% 44%, 22% 48%, 29% 56%, 33% 60%, 37% 68%, 42% 70%, 47% 86%, 52% 90%, 54% 98%, 59% 100%, 70% 87%, 92% 56%, 96% 39%, 100% 28%, 89% 16%, 77% 7 %, 72% 3 %, 52% 7 %, 50% 2 %, 48% 0 %, 27% 0 %);# lab-map-south-carolina img width: 109 px; summit: 83 px ; #sp-roll-south-carolina pinnacle: 470 px; left: 1065 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666663 4 ; #lab-map-north-carolina crest: 364.82 px; left: 923.532 px; z-index: 6666663 5; width: 191 px; summit: 84 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 90% 0 %, 55% 17%, 30% 25%, 26% 25%, 25% 33%, 23% 40%, 20% 41%, 19% 46%, 17% 45%, 14% 52%, 10% 60%, 3% 71%, 2% 76%, 0% 80%, 0 89%, 13% 85%, 24% 73%, 38% 72%, 40% 74%, 41% 80%, 53% 76%, 62% 88%, 69% 100%, 73% 100%, 76% 98%, 79% 79%, 87% 67%, 92% 68%, 98% 49%, 100% 43%, 100% 29%, 98% 18%, 92% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 90% 0 %, 55% 17%, 30% 25%, 26% 25%, 25% 33%, 23% 40%, 20% 41%, 19% 46%, 17% 45%, 14% 52%, 10% 60%, 3% 71%, 2% 76%, 0% 80%, 0 89%, 13% 85%, 24% 73%, 38% 72%, 40% 74%, 41% 80%, 53% 76%, 62% 88%, 69% 100%, 73% 100%, 76% 98%, 79% 79%, 87% 67%, 92% 68%, 98% 49%, 100% 43%, 100% 29%, 98% 18%, 92% 0 ); # lab-map-north-carolina img thicknes: 191 px; elevation: 84 px ; #sp-roll-north-carolina top: 410 px; left: 1060 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666663 5 ; #lab-map-tennessee top: 386.419 px; left: 795.064 px; z-index: 6666663 6; width: 180 px; height: 62 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 6% 33%, 6% 45%, 3% 75%, 0% 81%, 1% 92%, 0% 100%, 2% 100%, 32% 96%, 72% 84%, 72% 74%, 75% 70%, 76% 62%, 86% 44%, 90% 30%, 92% 32%, 94% 24%, 97% 24%, 98% 16%, 100% 10%, 100% 0 %, 98% 0 %, 96% 2 %, 92% 3 %, 50% 16%, 24% 23%, 24% 31% ); clip-path: polygon( 6% 33%, 6% 45%, 3% 75%, 0% 81%, 1% 92%, 0% 100%, 2% 100%, 32% 96%, 72% 84%, 72% 74%, 75% 70%, 76% 62%, 86% 44%, 90% 30%, 92% 32%, 94% 24%, 97% 24%, 98% 16%, 100% 10%, 100% 0 %, 98% 0 %, 96% 2 %, 92% 3 %, 50% 16%, 24% 23%, 24% 31% ); # lab-map-tennessee img thicknes: 180 px; height: 62 px ; #sp-roll-tennessee crest: 384 px; left: 780 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666663 6 ; #lab-map-kentucky top: 327.054 px; left: 808.764 px; z-index: 6666663 7; width: 155 px; summit: 80 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 58% 0 %, 58% 5 %, 59% 10%, 52% 16%, 51% 23%, 48% 28%, 45% 36%, 45% 40%, 41% 38%, 36% 45%, 34% 44%, 31% 46%, 30% 49%, 28% 46%, 21% 49%, 17% 52%, 16% 59%, 17% 64%, 12% 68%, 12% 77%, 8% 75%, 4% 77%, 2% 83%, 3% 93%, 0 98%, 0 100%, 19% 99%, 20% 93%, 83% 81%, 91% 72%, 95% 59%, 100% 47%, 94% 34%, 93% 29%, 90% 25%, 90% 15%, 86% 6 %, 81% 11%, 74% 9 %, 68% 8 %, 67% 0, 65% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 58% 0 %, 58% 5 %, 59% 10%, 52% 16%, 51% 23%, 48% 28%, 45% 36%, 45% 40%, 41% 38%, 36% 45%, 34% 44%, 31% 46%, 30% 49%, 28% 46%, 21% 49%, 17% 52%, 16% 59%, 17% 64%, 12% 68%, 12% 77%, 8% 75%, 4% 77%, 2% 83%, 3% 93%, 0 98%, 0 100%, 19% 99%, 20% 93%, 83% 81%, 91% 72%, 95% 59%, 100% 47%, 94% 34%, 93% 29%, 90% 25%, 90% 15%, 86% 6 %, 81% 11%, 74% 9 %, 68% 8 %, 67% 0, 65% 0 %);# lab-map-kentucky img thicknes: 155 px; stature: 80 px ; #sp-roll-kentucky pinnacle: 400 px; left: 958 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666663 7 ; #lab-map-west-virginia top: 274.106 px; left: 948.723 px; z-index: 6666663 8; width: 97 px; elevation: 97 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 31% 1 %, 33% 7 %, 32% 26%, 24% 36%, 20% 36%, 9% 49%, 5% 66%, 0 67%, 0% 77%, 3% 80%, 12% 91%, 22% 99%, 27% 100%, 41% 96%, 43% 92%, 47% 92%, 56% 86%, 55% 80%, 63% 63%, 64% 56%, 68% 58%, 72% 58%, 75% 48%, 80% 46%, 87% 35%, 87% 27%, 100% 32%, 100% 25%, 96% 21%, 92% 17%, 82% 23%, 76% 23%, 64% 35%, 60% 21%, 41% 23%, 37% 6 %, 35% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 31% 1 %, 33% 7 %, 32% 26%, 24% 36%, 20% 36%, 9% 49%, 5% 66%, 0 67%, 0% 77%, 3% 80%, 12% 91%, 22% 99%, 27% 100%, 41% 96%, 43% 92%, 47% 92%, 56% 86%, 55% 80%, 63% 63%, 64% 56%, 68% 58%, 72% 58%, 75% 48%, 80% 46%, 87% 35%, 87% 27%, 100% 32%, 100% 25%, 96% 21%, 92% 17%, 82% 23%, 76% 23%, 64% 35%, 60% 21%, 41% 23%, 37% 6 %, 35% 0 ); # lab-map-west-virginia img thicknes: 97 px; altitude: 97 px ; #sp-roll-west-virginia pinnacle: 360 px; left: 858 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666663 8 ; #lab-map-virginia crest: 299.531 px; left: 938.5 px; z-index: 6666663 9; thicknes: 164 px; summit: 91 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 15% 70%, 6% 89%, 6% 93%, 0% 98%, 0% 100%, 5% 100%, 18% 98%, 26% 96%, 55% 88%, 98% 72%, 95% 59%, 99% 52%, 100% 36%, 100% 22%, 93% 27%, 92% 50%, 89% 34%, 86% 30%, 74% 24%, 74% 19%, 76% 16%, 75% 9 %, 69% 5 %, 69% 0 %, 64% 0 %, 64% 4 %, 57% 0, 57% 7 %, 54% 14%, 49% 23%, 48% 33%, 44% 28%, 43% 29%, 37% 58%, 36% 65%, 31% 67%, 28% 75%, 25% 74%, 21% 77%, 19% 76% ); clip-path: polygon( 15% 70%, 6% 89%, 6% 93%, 0% 98%, 0% 100%, 5% 100%, 18% 98%, 26% 96%, 55% 88%, 98% 72%, 95% 59%, 99% 52%, 100% 36%, 100% 22%, 93% 27%, 92% 50%, 89% 34%, 86% 30%, 74% 24%, 74% 19%, 76% 16%, 75% 9 %, 69% 5 %, 69% 0 %, 64% 0 %, 64% 4 %, 57% 0, 57% 7 %, 54% 14%, 49% 23%, 48% 33%, 44% 28%, 43% 29%, 37% 58%, 36% 65%, 31% 67%, 28% 75%, 25% 74%, 21% 77%, 19% 76% ); # lab-map-virginia img width: 164 px; stature: 91 px ; #sp-roll-virginia crest: 375 px; left: 995 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666663 9 ; /* North East */# lab-map-maryland top: 280.401 px; left: 1007.964 px; z-index: 6666664 0; thicknes: 99 px; summit: 50 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 73% 0, 0 29%, 0% 32%, 2% 57%, 9% 44%, 12% 42%, 16% 33%, 18% 34%, 21% 33%, 26% 25%, 29% 23%, 34% 29%, 38% 37%, 44% 40%, 43% 48%, 51% 53%, 54% 48%, 58% 52%, 55% 59%, 54% 68%, 52% 74%, 52% 80%, 52% 83%, 59% 88%, 65% 89%, 71% 92%, 76% 86%, 81% 100%, 82% 100%, 97% 86%, 99% 75%, 100% 62%, 91% 65%, 84% 66%, 79% 22%, 77% 13%, 75% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 73% 0, 0 29%, 0% 32%, 2% 57%, 9% 44%, 12% 42%, 16% 33%, 18% 34%, 21% 33%, 26% 25%, 29% 23%, 34% 29%, 38% 37%, 44% 40%, 43% 48%, 51% 53%, 54% 48%, 58% 52%, 55% 59%, 54% 68%, 52% 74%, 52% 80%, 52% 83%, 59% 88%, 65% 89%, 71% 92%, 76% 86%, 81% 100%, 82% 100%, 97% 86%, 99% 75%, 100% 62%, 91% 65%, 84% 66%, 79% 22%, 77% 13%, 75% 0 ); # lab-map-maryland img thicknes: 99 px; altitude: 50 px ; #sp-roll-maryland pinnacle: 325 px; left: 1000 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666664 0 ; #lab-map-pennsylvania crest: 217.209 px; left: 976.986 px; z-index: 6666664 1; thicknes: 124 px; elevation: 80 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon (8 1% 0, 12% 21%, 12% 10%, 5% 19%, 0 24%, 0 28%, 4% 65%, 9% 100%, 10% 100%, 25% 97%, 86% 78%, 94% 71%, 100% 58%, 94% 52%, 93% 47%, 90% 47%, 90% 41%, 92% 40%, 91% 31%, 93% 27%, 93% 22%, 95% 16%, 90% 13%, 88% 4 %, 85% 3 %, 82% 0 ); clip-path: polygon (8 1% 0, 12% 21%, 12% 10%, 5% 19%, 0 24%, 0 28%, 4% 65%, 9% 100%, 10% 100%, 25% 97%, 86% 78%, 94% 71%, 100% 58%, 94% 52%, 93% 47%, 90% 47%, 90% 41%, 92% 40%, 91% 31%, 93% 27%, 93% 22%, 95% 16%, 90% 13%, 88% 4 %, 85% 3 %, 82% 0 ); # lab-map-pennsylvania img width: 124 px; altitude: 80 px ; #sp-roll-pennsylvania top: 217 px; left: 715 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666664 1 ; #lab-map-delaware top: 276.698 px; left: 1083.004 px; z-index: 6666664 2; thicknes: 23 px; stature: 36 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 20% 0, 0 10%, 0% 13%, 18% 44%, 38% 100%, 72% 99%, 100% 95%, 88% 68%, 80% 69%, 64% 62%, 53% 45%, 43% 33%, 30% 30%, 20% 18%, 26% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 20% 0, 0 10%, 0% 13%, 18% 44%, 38% 100%, 72% 99%, 100% 95%, 88% 68%, 80% 69%, 64% 62%, 53% 45%, 43% 33%, 30% 30%, 20% 18%, 26% 0 ); # lab-map-delaware img thicknes: 23 px; stature: 36 px ; #sp-roll-delaware pinnacle: 306 px; left: 960 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666664 2 ; #lab-map-new-jersey top: 230.909 px; left: 1088.311 px; z-index: 6666664 3; width: 30 px; summit: 67 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 22% 0 %, 12% 6 %, 12% 11%, 4% 17%, 4% 20%, 9% 22%, 8% 27%, 0 29%, 3% 35%, 14% 36%, 18% 41%, 43% 49%, 29% 56%, 15% 65%, 4% 68%, 1% 76%, 5% 80%, 18% 85%, 37% 89%, 53% 91%, 54% 93%, 51% 95%, 53% 100%, 58% 100%, 67% 95%, 70% 87%, 82% 78%, 94% 67%, 99% 57%, 96% 54%, 96% 38%, 88% 30%, 73% 32%, 85% 27%, 83% 19%, 84% 14%, 84% 10%, 74% 8 %, 46% 4 %, 24% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 22% 0 %, 12% 6 %, 12% 11%, 4% 17%, 4% 20%, 9% 22%, 8% 27%, 0 29%, 3% 35%, 14% 36%, 18% 41%, 43% 49%, 29% 56%, 15% 65%, 4% 68%, 1% 76%, 5% 80%, 18% 85%, 37% 89%, 53% 91%, 54% 93%, 51% 95%, 53% 100%, 58% 100%, 67% 95%, 70% 87%, 82% 78%, 94% 67%, 99% 57%, 96% 54%, 96% 38%, 88% 30%, 73% 32%, 85% 27%, 83% 19%, 84% 14%, 84% 10%, 74% 8 %, 46% 4 %, 24% 0 ); # lab-map-new-jersey img width: 30 px; altitude: 67 px ; #sp-roll-new-jersey pinnacle: 280 px; left: 1000 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666664 3 ; #lab-map-new-york top: 128.1 px; left: 992.043 px; z-index: 6666664 4; thicknes: 157 px; stature: 121 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 66% 0, 48% 4 %, 34% 26%, 36% 41%, 23% 50%, 12% 51%, 3% 57%, 6% 67%, 0 79%, 0 88%, 55% 74%, 56% 77%, 59% 76%, 61% 82%, 65% 85%, 77% 91%, 77% 100%, 79% 100%, 90% 96%, 100% 85%, 100% 82%, 97% 81%, 80% 89%, 80% 77%, 79% 68%, 78% 61%, 78% 44%, 78% 33%, 74% 29%, 74% 24%, 72% 20%, 73% 15%, 72% 8 %, 70% 0 %); clip-path: polygon( 66% 0, 48% 4 %, 34% 26%, 36% 41%, 23% 50%, 12% 51%, 3% 57%, 6% 67%, 0 79%, 0 88%, 55% 74%, 56% 77%, 59% 76%, 61% 82%, 65% 85%, 77% 91%, 77% 100%, 79% 100%, 90% 96%, 100% 85%, 100% 82%, 97% 81%, 80% 89%, 80% 77%, 79% 68%, 78% 61%, 78% 44%, 78% 33%, 74% 29%, 74% 24%, 72% 20%, 73% 15%, 72% 8 %, 70% 0 %);# lab-map-new-york img width: 157 px; height: 121 px ; #sp-roll-new-york pinnacle: 100 px; left: 730 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666664 4 ; #lab-map-connecticut pinnacle: 200.795 px; left: 1115 px; z-index: 6966664 5; width: 36 px; elevation: 36 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon (8 7% 0, 0 19%, 0 24%, 7% 56%, 6% 84%, 3% 91%, 10% 100%, 29% 87%, 39% 77%, 46% 70%, 48% 73%, 58% 66%, 77% 62%, 100% 50%, 98% 34%, 95% 18%, 90% 0 ); clip-path: polygon (8 7% 0, 0 19%, 0 24%, 7% 56%, 6% 84%, 3% 91%, 10% 100%, 29% 87%, 39% 77%, 46% 70%, 48% 73%, 58% 66%, 77% 62%, 100% 50%, 98% 34%, 95% 18%, 90% 0 ); # lab-map-connecticut img thicknes: 36 px; stature: 36 px ; #sp-roll-connecticut crest: 224 px; left: 1100 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9966664 5 ; #lab-map-rhode-island pinnacle: 198.696 px; left: 1148.293 px; z-index: 6966664 6; thicknes: 17 px; elevation: 20 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 38% 0, 0 8 %, 0 13%, 12% 56%, 20% 100%, 45% 93%, 62% 81%, 69% 70%, 78% 72%, 99% 63%, 100% 64%, 76% 31%, 55% 9 %, 43% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 38% 0, 0 8 %, 0 13%, 12% 56%, 20% 100%, 45% 93%, 62% 81%, 69% 70%, 78% 72%, 99% 63%, 100% 64%, 76% 31%, 55% 9 %, 43% 0 ); # lab-map-rhode-island img thicknes: 17 px; elevation: 20 px ; #sp-roll-rhode-island pinnacle: 210 px; left: 990 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9966664 6 ; #lab-map-massachusetts top: 173.025 px; left: 1113.736 px; z-index: 6666664 7; thicknes: 76 px; stature: 41 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 60% 0 %, 55% 5 %, 52% 14%, 23% 27%, 0 35%, 0% 59%, 0 74%, 1% 84%, 55% 62%, 63% 77%, 68% 95%, 72% 97%, 77% 100%, 89% 97%, 100% 97%, 100% 86%, 96% 74%, 98% 66%, 96% 45%, 88% 36%, 75% 42%, 70% 36%, 64% 32%, 68% 13%, 63% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 60% 0 %, 55% 5 %, 52% 14%, 23% 27%, 0 35%, 0% 59%, 0 74%, 1% 84%, 55% 62%, 63% 77%, 68% 95%, 72% 97%, 77% 100%, 89% 97%, 100% 97%, 100% 86%, 96% 74%, 98% 66%, 96% 45%, 88% 36%, 75% 42%, 70% 36%, 64% 32%, 68% 13%, 63% 0 ); # lab-map-massachusetts img width: 76 px; elevation: 41 px ; #sp-roll-massachusetts crest: 200 px; left: 855 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666664 7 ; #lab-map-vermont crest: 119.473 px; left: 1099.912 px; z-index: 6666664 8; thicknes: 35 px; summit: 68 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon (8 8% 0, 0 12%, 0 16%, 2% 22%, 9% 32%, 13% 42%, 10% 50%, 21% 61%, 19% 67%, 31% 70%, 40% 89%, 41% 99%, 87% 95%, 81% 93%, 83% 89%, 83% 81%, 79% 79%, 83% 54%, 84% 38%, 79% 35%, 79% 32%, 88% 31%, 100% 23%, 100% 15%, 95% 10%, 94% 0 ); clip-path: polygon (8 8% 0, 0 12%, 0 16%, 2% 22%, 9% 32%, 13% 42%, 10% 50%, 21% 61%, 19% 67%, 31% 70%, 40% 89%, 41% 99%, 87% 95%, 81% 93%, 83% 89%, 83% 81%, 79% 79%, 83% 54%, 84% 38%, 79% 35%, 79% 32%, 88% 31%, 100% 23%, 100% 15%, 95% 10%, 94% 0 ); # lab-map-vermont img width: 35 px; altitude: 68 px ; #sp-roll-vermont crest: 179 px; left: 998 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666664 8 ; #lab-map-new-hampshire top: 110.352 px; left: 1128.299 px; z-index: 6666664 9; thicknes: 35 px; altitude: 74 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 20% 0, 12% 4 %, 14% 21%, 20% 27%, 21% 33%, 0 42%, 0% 100%, 4% 100%, 72% 92%, 78% 87%, 94% 83%, 100% 76%, 90% 74%, 88% 69%, 74% 67%, 73% 63%, 31% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 20% 0, 12% 4 %, 14% 21%, 20% 27%, 21% 33%, 0 42%, 0% 100%, 4% 100%, 72% 92%, 78% 87%, 94% 83%, 100% 76%, 90% 74%, 88% 69%, 74% 67%, 73% 63%, 31% 0 ); # lab-map-new-hampshire img thicknes: 35 px; height: 74 px ; #sp-roll-new-hampshire crest: 180 px; left: 1030 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666664 9 ; #lab-map-maine crest: 42.076 px; left: 1140 px; z-index: 6666665 0; width: 78 px; elevation: 124 px; -webkit-clip-path: polygon( 20% 2 %, 10% 19%, 7% 36%, 9% 40%, 0% 52%, 0 57%, 18% 96%, 24% 97%, 26% 100%, 30% 100%, 38% 85%, 61% 76%, 75% 69%, 100% 53%, 100% 44%, 82% 32%, 73% 31%, 59% 3 %, 45% 0 ); clip-path: polygon( 20% 2 %, 10% 19%, 7% 36%, 9% 40%, 0% 52%, 0 57%, 18% 96%, 24% 97%, 26% 100%, 30% 100%, 38% 85%, 61% 76%, 75% 69%, 100% 53%, 100% 44%, 82% 32%, 73% 31%, 59% 3 %, 45% 0 ); # lab-map-maine img thicknes: 78 px; elevation: 124 px ; #sp-roll-maine crest: 162 px; left: 1065 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666665 0 ; #lab-map-district-of-columbia crest: 301.135 px; left: 1055.851 px; z-index: 6666665 1; width: 13 px; height: 13 px; -webkit-clip-path: circle( 50% at 50% 50% ); clip-path: clique( 50% at 50% 50% ); # lab-map-district-of-columbia img width: 13 px; altitude: 13 px ; #sp-roll-district-of-columbia top: 320 px; left: 900 px; opacity: 0.0; z-index: 9666665 1 ; /* END Section – States Pos, Coords, Clipping ————————————————— *//* Section – Hero Header ————————————————— */# lab-hero thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1800 px; perimeter: 0 automobile ;p adding: 80 px 0 80 px 0; text-align: center; background-color: #6a7c6c ;. lab-hero-container width: 100%; max-width: 1800 px; perimeter: 0 auto ;p adding: 60 px 20 px; text-align: center ;. lab-hero-logo boundary: 0 automobile ;p adding: 50 px 0; text-align: middle; max-width: 150 px ;. lab-hero-logo img width: 100%; max-width: 150 px ;. lab-hero-header boundary: 0 vehicle; width: 100%; max-width: 1400 px ;p adding: 20 px ;. lab-hero-header h1 font-family: Playfair Display, georgia, serif; font-size: 100 px; font-weight: 200; line-height: 1.06 em; letter-spacing: -0. 025 em; colour: #e8c3b7; text-transform: none; padding-bottom: 25 px ; h1. lab-smaller-headline font-size: 65 px; line-height: 1.2 em ;. lab-hero-blurb h2 boundary: 0 automobile; width: 100%; max-width: 720 px ;p adding: 20 px; colouring: #e6c3b6; font-family: Brown Regular, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 20 px; line-height: 1.45 em; letter-spacing: 0.035 em ;. lab-section-bar width: 100%; max-width: 1100 px; altitude: 4px; margin: 40 px automobile ;p adding: 0 ;. lab-clear clear: both ; @media merely screen and( max-width: 1320 px ). lab-hero-header h1 font-size: 100 px ; h1. lab-smaller-headline font-size: 54 px ; @ media simply screen and( max-width: 1220 px ). lab-hero-header h1 font-size: 80 px ; h1. lab-smaller-headline font-size: 36 px ; @ media only screen and( max-width: 960 px )# lab-hero stuffing: 60 px 0 40 px 0 ;. lab-hero-header stuffing: 20 px 20 px 5px ;. lab-hero-header h1 font-size: 60 px; line-height: 1.25 em ;. lab-hero-container padding-bottom: 0 ; h1. lab-smaller-headline font-size: 36 px; line-height: 1.4 em ; @ media only screen and( max-width: 760 px ). lab-hero-header h1 font-size: 46 px ; h1. lab-smaller-headline font-size: 27 px ; @ media merely screen and( max-width: 640 px ). lab-hero-header h1 font-size: 46 px ; h1. lab-smaller-headline font-size: 25 px ; @ media merely screen and( max-width: 540 px ). lab-hero-header h1 font-size: 42 px ; h1. lab-smaller-headline font-size: 27 px ; @ media simply screen and( max-width: 480 px ). lab-hero-header h1 font-size: 34 px ;. lab-hero-blurb h2 font-size: 17 px ; h1. lab-smaller-headline font-size: 24 px ; @ media merely screen and( max-width: 320 px ). lab-hero-header h1 font-size: 25 px ; h1. lab-smaller-headline font-size: 19 px ; /* END Section – Hero Header ————————————————— *//* Section – Map Intro ————————————————— */# lab-map-intro thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1800 px; margin: 0 automobile ;p adding: 40 px 0 0; text-align: centre; background-color: #f4ede2 ;. lab-map-intro-container width: 100%; max-width: 1100 px; perimeter: 0 auto ;p adding: 60 px 0 0; text-align: center ;. lab-map-intro-header boundary: 0; thicknes: 50%; max-width: 550 px ;p adding: 30 px 0; font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18 px; font-weight: 600; coloring: #14293e; word-spacing: normal; letter-spacing: 0.15 em; line-height: 1.2 em; swim: left; text-align: left ;. lab-map-intro-blurb margin: 0; width: 50%; max-width: 532 px ;p adding: 30 px 0; coloring: #14293e; font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16 px; line-height: 1.35 em; letter-spacing: 0em; float: right; text-align: left ;. lab-map-intro-blurb span text-align: left ;. lab-map-intro-bar thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1100 px; altitude: 3px; boundary: 0 vehicle ;p adding: 0; background-color: #14293e ;. lab-map-intro-bar-container margin: 0 vehicle; cushion: 0 ;. lab-map-intro-wide presentation: block ;. lab-map-intro-small presentation: none ;. lab-clear clear: both ; @media only screen and( max-width: 1100.99 px ). lab-map-intro-header stuffing: 30 px 0 ;. lab-map-intro-blurb stuffing: 30 px 0 ;. lab-map-intro-container padding-left: 20 px ;p adding-right: 20 px ; @ media merely screen and( max-width: 960.99 px )# lab-map-intro padding: 0 ;. lab-map-intro-wide showing: none ;. lab-map-intro-small display: cube ;. lab-map-intro-header cushion: 30 px 0 0 0 ; @ media simply screen and( max-width: 760.99 px ). lab-map-intro-header thicknes: 100%; max-width: 100%; swim: none; clear: both ;d isplay: cube ;. lab-map-intro-blurb width: 100%; max-width: 100%; float: none; clear: both ;d isplay: blocking ;p adding: 30 px 0 ; /* END Section – Map Intro ————————————————— *//* Section – Map Outro ————————————————— */# lab-map-outro thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1800 px; perimeter: 0 vehicle ;p adding: 0 0 40 px; text-align: centre; background-color: #f4ede2 ;. lab-map-outro-container thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1100 px; boundary: 0 vehicle ;p adding: 60 px 0; text-align: center ;. lab-map-outro-header boundary: 0; thicknes: 50%; max-width: 550 px ;p adding: 30 px 0; font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18 px; font-weight: 600; colouring: #14293e; word-spacing: normal; letter-spacing: 0.15 em; line-height: 1.2 em; swim: left; text-align: left ;. lab-map-outro-blurb,. lab-map-outro-blurb-left,. lab-map-outro-blurb-right perimeter: 0; thicknes: 50%; max-width: 550 px ;p adding: 30 px 0; coloring: #14293e; font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16 px; line-height: 1.35 em; letter-spacing: 0em; swim: privilege; text-align: left ;. lab-align-right text-align: right ;. lab-map-outro-blurb-left font-family: Brown Regular, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; swim: left; width: 45% ;. lab-map-outro-blurb-right font-family: Brown Regular, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; thicknes: 55% ;p adding-right: 0px ;. lab-map-outro-blurb span text-align: left ;. lab-map-legend width: 50%; swim: left ;d isplay: inline-block ;p adding-top: 30 px ;. lab-map-legend img thicknes: 92%; vertical-align: middle ;. lab-map-legend-text width: 50%; float: left ;d isplay: inline-block ;. lab-map-outro-bar thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1100 px; height: 3px; margin: 0 auto ;p adding: 0; background-color: #14293e ;. lab-map-outro-bar-container margin: 0 vehicle; cushion: 0 ;. lab-map-outro-footnote text-align: right; font-size: 11 px ;. lab-map-outro-wide showing: block ;. lab-map-outro-small display: none ;. lab-map-legend-text2 border-top: 0px solid #14293e; border-left: 3px solid #14293e; padding-left: 30 px ;. lab-clear clear: both ; @media merely screen and( max-width: 1100.99 px ). lab-map-outro-header stuffing: 30 px 0 ;. lab-map-outro-blurb,. lab-map-outro-blurb-left,. lab-map-outro-blurb-right padding: 30 px 0 ;. lab-map-outro-container padding-left: 20 px ;p adding-right: 20 px ; @ media merely screen and( max-width: 960.99 px ). lab-map-outro-wide showing: none ;. lab-map-outro-small showing: cube ;. lab-map-outro-bar-container. lab-map-outro-header cushion: 30 px 0 0 0 ;. lab-map-outro-bar-container. lab-map-outro-blurb padding: 10 px 0 30 px ;. lab-map-outro-blurb-left .lab-map-legend thicknes: 100%; clear: both; presentation: pulley-block; padding-top: 0 ;. lab-map-outro-blurb-left .lab-map-legend-text thicknes: 100%; clear: both; presentation: pulley-block; padding-top: 30 px ;. lab-map-legend-text2 border-left: 0px solid #14293e; border-top: 3px solid #14293e; padding-left: 0 ;p adding-top: 20 px ;. lab-map-outro-container padding-bottom: 0 ;. lab-map-outro-blurb-left .lab-map-legend img thicknes: 100% ;. lab-align-right text-align: left ; @ media merely screen and( max-width: 760.99 px ). lab-map-outro-header width: 100%; max-width: 100%; float: none; clear: both ;d isplay: pulley-block ;p adding: 30 px 0 30 px 0 ;. lab-map-outro-blurb,. lab-map-outro-blurb-left,. lab-map-outro-blurb-right width: 100%; max-width: 100%; swim: none; clear: both ;d isplay: cube ;p adding: 30 px 0 ; /* END Section – Map Outro ————————————————— *//* Section – Map Data ————————————————— */# lab-map-data width: 100%; max-width: 1800 px; margin: 0 automobile ;p adding: 0 0 40 px; text-align: center; background-color: #f4ede2 ;. lab-map-data-container thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1100 px; perimeter: 0 vehicle ;p adding: 60 px 0; text-align: middle ;. lab-map-data-header boundary: 0; width: 50%; max-width: 550 px ;p adding: 30 px 0; font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18 px; font-weight: 600; colouring: #14293e; word-spacing: normal; letter-spacing: 0.15 em; line-height: 1.2 em; float: left; text-align: left ;. lab-map-data-blurb,. lab-map-data-blurb-left,. lab-map-data-blurb-right boundary: 0; thicknes: 50%; max-width: 550 px ;p adding: 30 px 0; coloring: #14293e; font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16 px; line-height: 1.35 em; letter-spacing: 0em; swim: right; text-align: left ;. lab-map-data-blurb-left font-family: Brown Regular, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; float: left; thicknes: 45% ;. lab-map-data-blurb-right font-family: Brown Regular, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; thicknes: 55% ;p adding-right: 20 px ;. lab-map-data-blurb-quarter colouring: #14293e; font-family: Brown Regular, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16 px; line-height: 1.35 em; letter-spacing: 0em; text-align: left; thicknes: 25%; swim: left; display: inline-block ;. lab-map-data-blurb-half width: 50%; swim: left; showing: inline-block ;. lab-map-data-blurb-half img stuffing: 0 60 px ;. lab-map-data-blurb span text-align: left ;. lab-map-legend width: 50%; float: left ;d isplay: inline-block ;p adding-top: 30 px ;. lab-map-legend img thicknes: 92%; vertical-align: middle ;. lab-map-legend-text thicknes: 50%; float: left ;d isplay: inline-block ;. lab-map-data-bar width: 100%; max-width: 1100 px; altitude: 3px; boundary: 0 auto ;p adding: 0; background-color: #14293e ;. lab-map-data-bar-container margin: 0 automobile; stuffing: 0 ;. lab-map-data-footnote text-align: privilege; font-size: 11 px ;. lab-map-data-wide display: block ;. lab-map-data-small showing: none ;. lab-map-data-mod1 width: 30%; swim: left; presentation: inline-block; padding-right: 20 px ;. lab-map-data-mod2 width: 70%; swim: left; presentation: inline-block ;. lab-pie-chart width: 60% ;. lab-clear clear: both ; @media merely screen and( max-width: 1100.99 px ). lab-map-data-header stuffing: 30 px 0 ;. lab-map-data-blurb,. lab-map-data-blurb-left,. lab-map-data-blurb-right stuffing: 30 px 0 ;. lab-map-data-container padding-left: 20 px ;p adding-right: 20 px ; @ media simply screen and( max-width: 960.99 px ). lab-map-data-wide display: none ;. lab-map-data-small presentation: cube ;. lab-map-data-container max-width: 500 px ;. lab-map-data-header thicknes: 100%; max-width: 100%; float: none; clear: both ;d isplay: cube ;p adding: 30 px 0 10 px 0 ;. lab-map-data-blurb,. lab-map-data-blurb-left,. lab-map-data-blurb-right thicknes: 100%; max-width: 100%; swim: none; clear: both ;d isplay: pulley-block ;p adding: 10 px 0 ;. lab-map-data-blurb-quarter width: 100%; display: blocking; clear: both; padding-bottom: 30 px ;. lab-map-data-blurb-half thicknes: 100%; clear: both ;d isplay: pulley-block ;. lab-map-data-blurb-half img padding: 0 ;. lab-map-data-mod1,. lab-map-data-mod2 padding-top: 15 px ; @ media merely screen and( max-width: 760.99 px )/* END Section – Map data ————————————————— *//* Section – Help ————————————————— */# lab-help width: 100%; max-width: 1800 px; perimeter: 0 vehicle ;p adding: 0; text-align: centre; background-color: #6b7e6c ;. lab-help-container width: 100%; max-width: 1100 px; boundary: 0 automobile ;p adding: 60 px 0; text-align: left ;. lab-help-header boundary: 0 auto; thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1100 px ;p adding: 10 px 20 px 10 px 0; font-family: Playfair Display, georgia, days, serif; font-size: 70 px; font-weight: 400; color: #f4ede2; word-spacing: normal; letter-spacing: -. 03 em; line-height: 1.2 em ;. lab-help-header img . lab-help-blurb boundary: 0; width: 100%; max-width: 600 px ;p adding: 10 px 20 px 30 px 0; colour: #f4ede2; font-family: Brown Regular, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 22 px; line-height: 1.35 em; letter-spacing: 0em ;. lab-help-button-container boundary: 0; width: 100%; max-width: 600 px ;. lab-help-button boundary: 0 ;p adding: 10 px; elevation: 40 px; thicknes: automobile; max-width: 200 px; margin: 1px solid #f4ede2; border-radius: 40 px; -webkit-transition: background-color. 5s; /* Safari */ transition: background-color. 5s; -webkit-transition: coloring. 5s; /* Safari */ transition: coloring. 5s; -webkit-transition: borderline. 5s; /* Safari */ transition: margin. 5s; text-align: center ;. lab-help-button background-color: transparent; font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15 px; letter-spacing: 0.085 em; coloring: #f4ede2 ;. lab-help-button: poise background-color: #f4ede2; perimeter: 1px solid #f4ede2; colouring: #6b7e6c; -webkit-transition: background-color. 5s; /* Safari */ transition: background-color. 5s; -webkit-transition: color. 5s; /* Safari */ transition: colour. 5s; -webkit-transition: border. 5s; /* Safari */ transition: margin. 5s ;. lab-clear clear: both ; @media only screen and( max-width: 1220.99 px ). lab-help-header font-size: 62 px; line-height: 1.35 em ; @ media merely screen and( max-width: 960.99 px ). lab-help-header font-size: 44 px; line-height: 1.35 em ;. lab-help-container padding: 60 px 20 px ; @ media only screen and( max-width: 760.99 px ). lab-help-header font-size: 38 px; line-height: 1.35 em ; /* END Section – Help ————————————————— *//* Section – Country List ————————————————— */# lab-states width: 100%; max-width: 1800 px; perimeter: 0 automobile ;p adding: 0; text-align: centre; background-color: #17283f; min-height: 2000 px ;. lab-states-container thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1100 px; boundary: 0 vehicle ;p adding: 60 px 0px; text-align: centre ;. lab-states-header boundary: 0 auto; width: 100%; max-width: 1400 px ;p adding: 20 px 20 px 20 px 0; font-family: Playfair Display, georgia, hours, serif; font-size: 56 px; font-weight: 400; colour: #e6c2b6; word-spacing: normal; letter-spacing: -. 02 em; line-height: 1.2 em; text-align: left ;. lab-states-header img thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1100 px ;. lab-states-blurb margin: 0 vehicle; width: 100%; max-width: 600 px ;p adding: 20 px 20 px 20 px 0; color: #e6c2b6; font-family: Brown Regular, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16 px; line-height: 1.45 em; letter-spacing: 0.035 em; text-align: left ;. lab-section-bar thicknes: 100%; max-width: 1100 px; summit: 2px; perimeter: 40 px vehicle ;p adding: 0 ; #lab-states-not-sticky margin-left: 0 ;. lab-states-column-left,. lab-states-column-right max-width: 50%; width: 50% ;d isplay: inline; swim: left ;. lab-states-column-left showing: blocking ;. lab-states-column-right margin-left: 50% ; @media simply screen and( max-width: 960.99 px ). lab-states-column-left showing: none; width: 100%; max-width: 100% ;. lab-states-column-right clear: both; margin: 0 automobile; width: 100%; max-width: 100% ;. lab-states-container max-width: 500 px; padding: 0 20 px 60 px ;. lab-states-header font-size: 50 px ; @ media simply screen and( max-width: 760.99 px ). lab-states-header font-size: 40 px ; . lab-key-list text-align: left ;. lab-key-list. lab-icon presentation: block ;. lab-states-list . lab-key-list max-width: 550 px ;. lab-key-list. lab-icon perimeter: 10 px 0 ;p adding: 20 px 0; max-width: 550 px; min-height: 60 px; max-height: 60 px; clear: both ;d isplay: block; vertical-align: middle ;. lab-key-list. lab-icon img width: 100%; max-width: 22 px! important ;d isplay: inline; swim: left ;p adding-top: 5px ;. lab-key-list. lab-icon-text colour: #e6c2b6; font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16 px; line-height: 1.45 em; letter-spacing: 0.055 em; text-align: left; padding: 0px 0 10 px 20 px; presentation: inline; swim: left; text-transform: uppercase ;. lab-state-module padding-top: 30 px ;. lab-state-module. lab-icon swim: left; opacity: 1.0; thicknes: 100%; max-width: 38 px; stuffing: 10 px 18 px 4px 0 ;. lab-state-module. lab-icon-off opacity: 0.3 ; /* Commonwealth */. lab-state-module margin: 0 ;p adding: 20 px 0 0 0; max-width: 550 px; text-align: left ;d isplay: blocking ;p ointer-events: automobile; cursor: pointer ;. lab-toggle float: right ;. lab-toggle. lab-toggle-close display: none ;. lab-toggle img max-width: 30 px; transform: rotate( -9 0deg ); float: right ;. lab-name coloring: #e6c2b6; font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16 px; letter-spacing: 0.075 em; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: left; float: left ;. lab-blurb-row colour: #e6c2b6; font-family: Brown Regular, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16 px; line-height: 1.45 em; letter-spacing: 0.035 em; text-align: left ;. lab-blurb-label font-size: 10 px; opacity: 0.7 ;. lab-link-row padding-bottom: 50 px ;. lab-link-row a font-family: Brown Regular, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12 px; perimeter: 1px solid #e6c2b6; border-radius: 30 px ;p adding: 4px 60 px; colouring: #e6c2b6; max-width: 150 px ;. lab-state-content padding-top: 10 px ;d isplay: none ;. lab-state-close-mini margin-top: -3 1px; text-align: right ;. lab-state-close-mini img max-width: 20 px ;. lab-state-module. lab-help-button text-align: center; margin: 0; colouring: #e6c2b6; margin: 1px solid #e6c2b6 ;. lab-state-module. lab-help-button-container text-align: left; margin-top: 20 px ;. lab-state-module. lab-help-button a: levitate background-color: #e6c2b6; colouring: #17283e ;. lab-toggle-bar presentation: none ;. lab-clear clear: both ; /* END Section – Commonwealth List ————————————————— *//* Section – Sticky Help ————————————————— */# lab-help-sticky point: specified; top: 0; left: 0; thicknes: 100%; height: 45 px; margin: 0 ;p adding: 0; background-color: #6a7c6c; coloring: #fff; z-index: 204 ;d isplay: none ;. lab-help-sticky-container width: 100%; max-width: 1100 px; margin: 0 vehicle; text-align: center ;. lab-help-sticky-blurb thicknes: 100%; max-width: 500 px; margin: 0 vehicle; text-align: centre; font-family: Brown Bold, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14 px; line-height: 1.75 em; letter-spacing: 0.045 em; text-transform: uppercase ;p adding-top: 11 px ;. lab-help-sticky-blurb a border-bottom: 1px solid #fff ; @media simply screen and( max-width: 760.99 px )# lab-help-sticky top: 83 px; height: 45 px ;. lab-help-sticky-blurb font-size: 13 px ; /* END Section – Sticky Help ————————————————— */. lab-credits font-family: Brown Regular, Gill Sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14 px; font-style: normal; line-height: 1.75 em; letter-spacing: 0.025 em; text-transform: uppercase; color: #000; text-align: middle ;p adding: 30 px 0 80 px; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 850 px ; #lab-states a, #lab-map-outro a, #lab-map-data a border-bottom: 1px solid ;p ointer-events: auto; cursor: pointer ;. third-width. section-image,. half-width. section-image,. full-width. section-image,. section-divider showing: none! important ;. lab-mobile-only showing: none ;. lab-desktop-only showing: block ;. lab-small-mobile-only presentation: none ; @media only screen and( max-width: 1220 px )# lab-help, #lab-states, #lab-map-data stuffing: 0 20 px ; @ media simply screen and( max-width: 960 px ). lab-mobile-only showing: pulley-block ; #lab-help, #lab-states, #lab-map-data stuffing: 0 ; @ media simply screen and( max-width: 540 px ). lab-desktop-only display: none ;. lab-small-mobile-only presentation: blocking ; #lab-help, #lab-states, #lab-map-data stuffing: 0 ;

I Need An Abortion — Now What?

An Indispensable Guide To Laws, WaitingPeriods& Restrictions By State

An Indispensable GuideTo Laws, Waiting Periods& Restrictions By State

Getting an abortion should be straightforward — but it’s not. Between laws designed to curb access to providers and the rise of fake clinics, there are increasing any restrictions or even more misinformation than ever before. Here, we’re helping clarify the litany of regulations so you don’t is therefore necessary to.



HOVER to learn more about the abortion services available by government. CLICK be informed about the specific restraints.

CLICK to learn more about the abortion services and the specific restraints available commonwealth by commonwealth.


WASHINGTON3 3LegalAbortionClinics73CrisisPregnancyCentersOREGON15LegalAbortionClinics59CrisisPregnancyCentersCALIFORNIA152LegalAbortionClinics261CrisisPregnancyCentersNEVADA8LegalAbortionClinics12CrisisPregnancyCentersUTAH2LegalAbortionClinics13CrisisPregnancyCentersIDAHO3LegalAbortionClinics33CrisisPregnancyCentersARIZONA9LegalAbortionClinics62CrisisPregnancyCentersALASKA3LegalAbortionClinics14CrisisPregnancyCentersHAWAII4LegalAbortionClinics15CrisisPregnancyCentersMONTANA5LegalAbortionClinics28CrisisPregnancyCentersWYOMING1LegalAbortionClinics17CrisisPregnancyCentersCOLORADO21LegalAbortionClinics75CrisisPregnancyCentersNEW MEXICO9LegalAbortionClinics 42 CrisisPregnancyCentersNORTH DAKOTA1LegalAbortionClinics 11 CrisisPregnancyCentersSOUTH DAKOTA1LegalAbortionClinics 19 CrisisPregnancyCentersNEBRASKA3LegalAbortionClinics 37 CrisisPregnancyCentersKANSAS4LegalAbortionClinics 53 CrisisPregnancyCentersOKLAHOMA3LegalAbortionClinics 63 CrisisPregnancyCentersMINNESOTA6LegalAbortionClinics 98 CrisisPregnancyCentersIOWA1 2LegalAbortionClinics69CrisisPregnancyCentersMISSOURI1LegalAbortionClinics104CrisisPregnancyCentersWISCONSIN4LegalAbortionClinics92CrisisPregnancyCentersILLINOIS24LegalAbortionClinics129CrisisPregnancyCentersINDIANA9LegalAbortionClinics125CrisisPregnancyCentersMICHIGAN20LegalAbortionClinics127CrisisPregnancyCentersOHIO12LegalAbortionClinics197CrisisPregnancyCentersTEXAS20LegalAbortionClinics310CrisisPregnancyCentersLOUISIANA5LegalAbortionClinics45CrisisPregnancyCentersARKANSAS1LegalAbortionClinics62CrisisPregnancyCentersMISSISSIPPI1LegalAbortionClinics47CrisisPregnancyCentersALABAMA3LegalAbortionClinics74CrisisPregnancyCentersGEORGIA17LegalAbortionClinics117CrisisPregnancyCentersFLORIDA71LegalAbortionClinics241CrisisPregnancyCentersSOUTH CAROLINA3LegalAbortionClinics 57 CrisisPregnancyCentersNORTH CAROLINA1 6LegalAbortionClinics173CrisisPregnancyCentersTENNESSEE7LegalAbortionClinics76CrisisPregnancyCentersKENTUCKY1LegalAbortionClinics69CrisisPregnancyCentersWEST VIRGINIA1LegalAbortionClinics 49 CrisisPregnancyCentersVIRGINIA2LegalAbortionClinics 49 CrisisPregnancyCentersMARYLAND2 5LegalAbortionClinics61CrisisPregnancyCentersPENNSYLVANIA20LegalAbortionClinics213CrisisPregnancyCentersDELAWARE3LegalAbortionClinics11CrisisPregnancyCentersNEW JERSEY4 1LegalAbortionClinics67CrisisPregnancyCentersNEW YORK9 5LegalAbortionClinics187CrisisPregnancyCentersCONNECTICUT25LegalAbortionClinics42CrisisPregnancyCentersRHODE ISLAND3LegalAbortionClinics 8CrisisPregnancyCentersMASSACHUSETTS10LegalAbortionClinics42CrisisPregnancyCentersVERMONT6LegalAbortionClinics14CrisisPregnancyCentersNEW HAMPSHIRE4LegalAbortionClinics 25 CrisisPregnancyCentersMAINE4LegalAbortionClinics 27 CrisisPregnancyCentersWASHINGTON D.C. 5LegalAbortionClinics5CrisisPregnancyCenters

AKAlaskaALAlabamaARArkansasAZArizonaCACaliforniaCOColoradoCTConnecticutDCDistrict ofColumbiaDEDelawareFLFloridaGAGeorgiaHIHawaiiIAIowaIDIdahoILIllinoisINIndianaKSKansasKYKentuckyLALouisianaMAMassachusettsMDMarylandMEMaineMIMichiganMNMinnesotaMOMissouriMSMississippiMTMontanaNCNorth CarolinaNDNorth DakotaNENebraskaNHNew HampshireNJNew JerseyNMNew MexicoNVNevadaNYNew YorkOHOhioOKOklahomaOROregonPAPennsylvaniaRIRhode IslandSCSouth CarolinaSDSouth DakotaTNTennesseeTXTexasUTUtahVAVirginiaVTVermontWAWashingtonWIWisconsinWVWest VirginiaWYWyoming

ALABAMA3LegalAbortionClinics 74 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS4 8-hour waiting period, proscribe after 21.6 weeks Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionAlaska3LegalAbortionClinics 14 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after viability( 24 weeks ), commonwealth mandated counseling but no waiting period Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionArizona9LegalAbortionClinics 62 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS2 4-hour waiting period, prohibition after viability( 24 weeks) Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionArkansas1LegalAbortionClinics 62 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS4 8-hour waiting period, censor after 22 weeks Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionCalifornia1 52 LegalAbortionClinics2 61 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after viability( 24 weeks) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionColorado2 1LegalAbortionClinics75CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after viability( 24 weeks) Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionConnecticut2 5LegalAbortionClinics42CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after viability( 24 weeks ), mother of woman under 18 years old must be notified Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionDelaware3LegalAbortionClinics 11 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after viability( 24 weeks ), mother of a minor must be notified Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionFlorida7 1LegalAbortionClinics241CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS Ban after viability( 24 weeks ), parent of a minor must be notified Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionGeorgia1 7LegalAbortionClinics117CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS Ban after 22 weeks, 24 -hour waiting period, mother of a minor must be notified Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionHawaii4LegalAbortionClinics 15 CrisisPregnancyCentersNO RESTRICTIONS Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionIdaho3LegalAbortionClinics 33 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS 24 -hour waiting period Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionIllinois2 4LegalAbortionClinics129CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after viability( 24 weeks) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionIndiana9LegalAbortionClinics 125 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS1 8-hour waiting period, injunction after 20 weeks Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionIowa1 2LegalAbortionClinics69CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after 20 weeks, mother of minor must be notified Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionKansas4LegalAbortionClinics 53 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS2 4-hour waiting period, prohibition after 20 weeks Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionKentucky1LegalAbortionClinics 69 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS2 4-hour waiting period, forbidding after 20 weeks Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionLouisiana4LegalAbortionClinics 45 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS2 4-hour waiting period, prohibit after 20 weeks Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionMaine4LegalAbortionClinics 27 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after viability( 24 weeks) Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionMaryland2 5LegalAbortionClinics61CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSParent of minor must be notified at doctor’s discretion Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionMassachusetts1 0LegalAbortionClinics42CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after viability( 24 weeks) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionMichigan2 0LegalAbortionClinics127CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS24-hour waiting period, censor after viability( 24 weeks) Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionMinnesota6LegalAbortionClinics 98 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after viability( 24 weeks ), 24 -hour waiting period, parent of minor must be notified Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionMississippi1LegalAbortionClinics 47 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS2 4-hour waiting period, prohibit after 19.6 weeks Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionMissouri1LegalAbortionClinics 104 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS7 2-hour waiting period, proscribe after viability( 24 weeks) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionMontana5LegalAbortionClinics 28 CrisisPregnancyCentersNO RESTRICTIONS Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionNebraska3LegalAbortionClinics 37 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS2 4-hour waiting period, proscribe after 20 weeks( exceptions attained for woman’s health) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionNevada8LegalAbortionClinics 12 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after 24 weeks Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionNew Hampshire4LegalAbortionClinics 25 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSParent of minor must be notified Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionNew Jersey4 1LegalAbortionClinics67CrisisPregnancyCentersNO RESTRICTIONS Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionNew Mexico9LegalAbortionClinics 42 CrisisPregnancyCentersNO RESTRICTIONS Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionNew York9 5LegalAbortionClinics187CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after 24 weeks Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionNorth Carolina1 6LegalAbortionClinics173CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after 19.6 weeks, 72 -hour waiting period Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionNorth Dakota1LegalAbortionClinics 11 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS2 4-hour waiting period Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionOhio1 2LegalAbortionClinics197CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS24-hour waiting period, prohibit after 20 weeks( exceptions made for woman’s health) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionOklahoma3LegalAbortionClinics 63 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS7 2-hour waiting period, censor after 20 weeks( exceptions induced for woman’s health) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionOregon1 5LegalAbortionClinics59CrisisPregnancyCentersNO RESTRICTIONS Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionPennsylvania2 0LegalAbortionClinics213CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS24-hour waiting period, injunction after 24 weeks( excpetions attained for woman’s health) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionRhode Island3LegalAbortionClinics 8CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after 24 weeks( exceptions shaped for woman’s health) Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionSouth Carolina3LegalAbortionClinics 57 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS2 4-hour waiting period, proscription after 20 weeks( exceptions attained for woman’s health, rape, and incest) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionSouth Dakota1LegalAbortionClinics 19 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS7 2-hour waiting period, outlaw after 20 weeks( exceptions established for woman’s health) Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionTennessee7LegalAbortionClinics 76 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS4 8-hour waiting period, disallow after 21.6 weeks( exceptions stimulated for woman’s health) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental consent/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionTexas2 0LegalAbortionClinics380CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS24-hour waiting period, prohibit after 21.6 weeks( exceptions stimulated for woman’s health and serious fetal abnormality) Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionUtah2LegalAbortionClinics 13 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS7 2-hour waiting period, censor after 24 weeks( exceptions established for woman’s health, rape, incest, or fetal abnormality) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionVermont6LegalAbortionClinics 14 CrisisPregnancyCentersNO RESTRICTIONS Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionVirginia1 8LegalAbortionClinics76CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS24-hour waiting period, proscription after 24 weeks( exceptions established for woman’s health) Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionWashington3 3LegalAbortionClinics73CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after 24 weeks( exceptions established for woman’s health) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionWest Virginia1LegalAbortionClinics 49 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS2 4-hour waiting period, prohibition after 20 weeks( exceptions established for woman’s health or if pregnancy isn’t viable ), parent of minor must be notified Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionWisconsin4LegalAbortionClinics 92 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONS2 4-hour waiting period, proscribe after 20 weeks( exceptions attained for woman’s health) Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionWyoming1LegalAbortionClinics 17 CrisisPregnancyCentersRESTRICTIONSBan after 24 weeks( exceptions stimulated for woman’s health) Mandatory waiting period/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental permission/ NotificationTelemedicine restrictionWashington , D.C. 5LegalAbortionClinics5CrisisPregnancyCentersNO RESTRICTIONS Mandatory waiting area/ Counseling Specific week ban Ultrasound Requirement Parental approval/ NotificationTelemedicine restraint

function showStateNav()

const element= document.getElementById( “map-mobile-quick-nav” );

element.style.display= “block”;

setTimeout( part ()

clearTimeout ();

element.style.opacity= “1. 0”;

element.style.bottom= “0px”;

element.style.transition= “all 0.2 s”;

element.style.WebkitTransition= “all 0.2 “;

, 200 );

role hideStateNav()

const element= document.getElementById( “map-mobile-quick-nav” );

element.style.opacity= “0. 0”;

element.style.bottom= “-1 20 px”;

element.style.transition= “all 0.2 s”;

element.style.WebkitTransition= “all 0.2 s”;

setTimeout( purpose ()

clearTimeout ();

element.style.display= “none”;

, 200 );

function rollOnState( id, sid)

const factor=[ document.getElementById( id ), document.getElementById( sid )];

if( window.innerWidth> 960)

part[ 0 ]. style.opacity= “1. 0”;

element[ 0 ]. style.transform= “scale( 1.0) “;

element[ 0 ]. style.transition= “all 0.3 s”;

element[ 0 ]. style.WebkitTransition= “all 0.3 s”;

element[ 1 ]. style.opacity= “1. 0”;

element[ 1 ]. style.transition= “all 0.5 s”;

element[ 1 ]. style.WebkitTransition= “all 0.5 s”;

function rollOffState( id, sid)

const component=[ document.getElementById( id ), document.getElementById( sid )];

if( window.innerWidth> 960)

component[ 0 ]. style.opacity= “0. 0”;

element[ 0 ]. style.transform= “scale( 0.9) “;

element[ 0 ]. style.transition= “all 0.3 s”;

element[ 0 ]. style.WebkitTransition= “all 0.3 s”;

element[ 1 ]. style.opacity= “0. 0”;

element[ 1 ]. style.transition= “all 0.5 s”;

element[ 1 ]. style.WebkitTransition= “all 0.5 s”;

role prescrollMap()

var elmnt= document.getElementById( “map-scroll-this” );

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Colors represent the amount of laws curtailing abortion access by state. 0-1 represents least sum of restrictions, while 5 is the most regulations.

Crisis pregnancy centres masquerade as legitimate women’s health clinics but in reality do not present abortion services and are designed to dissuaded ladies from attempting abortions and family planning. For more information on CPCs and to identify areas about fake clinics in your region, visit ExposeFakeClinics.com.

Do You Need Help?

If you’re looking for information on how and where to get an abortion in your specific area, visit ineedana.com. It is a free asset that helps people navigate government the regulations and find its most important abortion services and resources.



If Roe v. Wade were overruled, abortion would automatically become illegal in four commonwealths: Louisiana, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Mississippi.

Eight states only have one abortion provider left: Arkansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Missouri.


People who’ve had abortions, by race/ ethnicity


Two-thirds of abortions occur at eight weeks of maternity or earlier and 89% occur in the first 12 weeks.

Half of patients indicates that they did not want to be a single mother or were facing problems with their spouse or collaborator.

Three-fourths of patients gave the following as main reasons having an abortion: Concern for or responsibility to other people, the inability to render raising small children, or the idea that having a newborn would interfere with job, school, or the ability to care for dependents.

Information via Guttmacher.org


Explore AbortionRights by State

Though Roe v. Wade makes abortion legal in the U.S ., nations have significant latitude to regulate the methods used. Rules and requirements — which range from how far along in your pregnancy you are to needing an ultrasound and parental permission — vary greatly from country to commonwealth.

Mandatory waitingperiod/ Counseling

Specific week censor


Parental consent/ Notification



48-hour waiting period, forbidding after 21.6 weeks


Ban after viability( 24 weeks ), country mandated counseling but no waiting period


24-hour waiting period, ban after viability( 24 weeks)


48-hour waiting period, forbid after 22 weeks


Ban after viability( 24 weeks)


Ban after viability( 24 weeks)


Ban after viability( 24 weeks ), parent of the status of women under 18 years old must be notified


Ban after viability( 24 weeks ), mother of a minor must be notified


Ban after viability( 24 weeks ), mother of a minor must be notified


Ban after 22 weeks, 24 -hour waiting period, parent of a minor must be notified


No restrictions


24-hour waiting period


Ban after viability( 24 weeks)


18-hour waiting period, outlaw after 20 weeks


Ban after 20 weeks, parent of minor must be notified


24-hour waiting period, prohibition after 20 weeks


24-hour waiting period, prohibition after 20 weeks


24-hour waiting period, prohibit after 20 weeks


Ban after viability( 24 weeks)


Parent of minor must be notified at doctor’s discretion


Ban after viability( 24 weeks)


24-hour waiting period, proscription after viability( 24 weeks)


Ban after viability( 24 weeks ), 24 -hour waiting period, parent of minor must be notified


24-hour waiting period, proscription after 19.6 weeks


72-hour waiting period, forbidding after viability( 24 weeks)


No restrictions


24-hour waiting period, prohibition after 20 weeks( exceptions stimulated for woman’s health)


Ban after 24 weeks

New Hampshire

Parent of minor must be notified

New Jersey

No restrictions

New Mexico

No restrictions

New York

Ban after 24 weeks

North Carolina

Ban after 19.6 weeks, 72 -hour waiting period

North Dakota

24-hour waiting period


24-hour waiting period, prohibition after 20 weeks( exceptions shaped for woman’s health)


72-hour waiting period, prohibition after 20 weeks( exceptions stimulated for woman’s health)


No restrictions


24-hour waiting period, prohibit after 24 weeks( excpetions attained for woman’s health)

Rhode Island

Ban after 24 weeks( exceptions established for woman’s health)

South Carolina

24-hour waiting period, banning after 20 weeks( exceptions established for woman’s health, rape, and incest)

South Dakota

72-hour waiting period, outlaw after 20 weeks( exceptions induced for woman’s health)


48-hour waiting period, injunction after 21.6 weeks( exceptions established for woman’s health)


24-hour waiting period, ban after 21.6 weeks( exceptions attained for woman’s health and severe fetal aberration)


72-hour waiting period, ban after 24 weeks( exceptions made for woman’s health, rape, incest, or fetal aberration)


No restrictions


24-hour waiting period, forbidding after 24 weeks( exceptions established for woman’s health)


Ban after 24 weeks( exceptions established for woman’s health)

West Virginia

24-hour waiting period, prohibit after 20 weeks( exceptions built for woman’s health or if pregnancy isn’t viable ), mother of minor must be notified


24-hour waiting period, banning after 20 weeks( exceptions constructed for woman’s health)


Ban after 24 weeks( exceptions constructed for woman’s health)

Washington , D.C.

No restrictions



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