Rational Voters and Irrational Experts Large swaths of the US electorate are voting for rational choices against a system controlled by an economic and political oligarchy. Rational choice is based on their experience with political leaders who have pursued policies…
We Tested Our Phones For Diseases
The Orlando Shooting, Omar Mateen, Terrorism And Islamophobia
The Orlando shooting which left 50 dead and 53 injured is an American tragedy of momentous proportions. America with its gun culture and the dominant, vociferous and influential gun rights advocates, Orlando was a tragedy waiting to happen. Let’s mourn…
This man was saved by real angels! He has a message for all of us!
CONFIRMED: FBI Introduced Florida Shooter to “Informants”
Our thoughts are with the families of the victims (M. Ch. GR. Editor) It is now confirmed that in addition to two investigations and two interviews, Florida terror suspect Omar Mateen was also approached by “informants” working for the US…
Before Orlando Nightclub Shooting, FBI Pursued Questionable “Terror” Suspects
The attack on a gay club in Orlando in which 50 people were killed and more than 50 wounded — now the largest mass shooting in U.S. history — demonstrates how potential threats are escaping the FBI’s vast counterterrorism dragnet.…
Obama Had This Haunting Confrontation With A Pro-Gun Activist Just Days Before The Orlando Massacre
On June 2, President Obama participated in a town hall sponsored by PBS in Elkhart, Indiana. Obama continued to answer questions from the audience after the broadcast was over ...
The Mysterious Death Of Marilyn Monroe
Megan Fox: I want to expose the planet's deep mysteries
Megan Fox has spoken about her wish to move away from acting to help expose the planet’s “deep mysteries” ...