[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16Jd-ceVuUM&w=640&h=360]
FBI Transcript Shows Nobody Died in Orlando Shooting Until SWAT Teams Entered the Building: Judge Napolitano
"Orlando Police Chief John Mina and other law enforcement officers offered new details about the shooting, including the possibility that some victims may have been killed by officers trying to save them."
How Particle Accelerators Teach Us About The Universe
Chemtrails: Brief History Exposed
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oNEEOGsvws]
Peter Kirby has uncovered more about the chemtrails project and the NEW MANHATTAN PROJECT that no other researcher has been able to do. He has connected the dots on the weather warfare, and the idea that our military would be the only faction of government that could possibly put at end to these secret programs, allegedly funded by the banking cartel.
Be sure to read article : http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2016/06/29/peter-kirbys-history-of-chemtrails-and-the-new-manhattan-project-details/
See Mr. Kirby's article on ACTIVIST POST :http://www.activistpost.com/2016/06/a-brief-history-of-chemtrails.html
Selected Articles: Genocidal Corporate Media
Genocidal Corporate Media By Mark Taliano, June 29 2016 Genocidal corporate media presstitutes follow the all-too-familiar script of blaming the victim for the crimes perpetrated by aggressor nations. NATO terrorists, for example, are invading and occupying Syria, and the Syria…
People Have Their Nightmares Interpreted For The First Time
The Horrifying Murders of the Zodiac Killer
The Mysterious Death Of The Somerton Man
What Would A World With Legal Pot Look Like?
Strange Clouds Over CERN Causing Concern: Portal To Another Dimension?
Something very unusal is happening in the vicinity of Geneva near the Large Hadron Collider and its maker, CERN.
A video appeared on the World Wide Web showing strange clouds over the LHC ...