[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoEVYx2plcc&w=640&h=360]
How the US Took Over Myanmar’s Ministry of Information
Uncharacteristically, Myanmar’s Ministry of Information-run newspaper, the Burmese-language Myanma Alinn Daily, levelled commentary toward neighbouring Thailand. It is uncharacteristic, because until of late, the paper and the Ministry of Information itself has generally refrained from commenting on the politics of…
What Killed Off The Neanderthals?
Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Really That Bad For You?
How We Can Live On Mars Without A Spacesuit
5D Storage Will Preserve Human History for Eternity
How Close Are We To Star Trek’s Warp Drive?
How Close Are We To Star Trek’s Warp Drive?
Scientists can't explain a weird object spotted beyond Neptune
“I hope everyone has buckled their seatbelts because the outer solar system just got a lot weirder.” That’s what Michele Bannister, an astronomer at Queens University, Belfast tweeted on Monday ...
The Flagging Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: The US Election and Free Trade Politics
Being savaged by Donald J. Trump on one side of the electoral aisle, and modestly beaten by the Democratic presumptive candidate, Hillary Clinton, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is lying somewhere between near death and miraculous survival. Those breathing life into…