[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhjx6lGTDhw&w=640&h=360]
Can The Harmful Damage From Smoking Be Reversed?
1968 Moon Photo Reveals A Huge Spacecraft And A 60 Mile Highway
An incredibly unusual image captured by the Lunar Orbiter which took multiple pictures of the Moon in 1967 to prepare for the 1968 Apollo mission Moon landing has emerged online ...
How Did 1960’s Technology Get Us To Space?
Mao Zedong Declares the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China, October 1, 1949
How Often Should You Shower?
People Try The World’s Spiciest Instant Noodle
Freemasons: 3 Weird Things About The House of The Temple
How the US Armed-Up Syrian Jihadists
The West blames Russia for the bloody mess in Syria, but U.S. Special Forces saw close up how the chaotic U.S. policy of aiding Syrian jihadists enabled Al Qaeda and ISIS to rip Syria apart, explains ex-British diplomat Alastair Crooke.…